Chapter 19

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She looked very upset. Sam and I were very scared because she was coming towards us. Next thing I know she slapped the fuck out of Sam.

"How could you let this happen? You're suppose to protect her."

"I do Mrs Watson but Erin was going behind my back about this. I had no idea. And FYI don't ever hit me again. I don't care how mad you are. You were out of pocket." And with that being said he walked away.

I was stunned that she slapped him, but Sam put her in her place. She needed to bring it down a few notches. I liked Erin a lot, but nobody forced her to do those drugs, it was her choice. Secondly no one can babysit Erin 24/7. We have lives outside of being friends with her. Guess that's what she failed to realize.

*Two Hours Later*

I texted Sam because I hadn't heard from him and Erin was asking where he was. He didn't text back though. I didn't know how to tell her that he was pissed her mom slapped him, especially with her still in the room. For about an hour straight she starred me down. I was waiting for her to ask me exactly how I knew Erin. She never did though. She just continued to stroke her head & ask if she was ok every five minutes. If you ask me she was doing the most.

I tried texting Sam one more time. As the message was sending he walked through the door high as hell. Clearly he didn't give a single fuck. Mrs Watson stood up and quickly asked him what he was doing there. Sam snapped back quickly saying

"I'm not sure what your problem with me is, but the attitude has to stop. I haven't done anything to you. I've been nothing but a good friend to Erin. I'm sorry that this happened but nobody forced her to take drugs. It was her decision. So again, stay in your lane because the disrespect has to!"

She was in complete shock. She wanted to say something but no words would come out. Erin was in the hospital bed laughing hysterically.

"Mom, I've already told you Sam is a good person. Why do you keep wanting to make him out to be this bad kid? You should be glad that he looks after me and that Natalia decided to call you. They could have easily covered it up. Please stop being so rude."

"He smokes weed. He's probably the one who gave you the drugs."

Sam had a comeback for everything. He took a step back like he was about to let this woman know what's up.

"Yea, I gave her the drugs cause I wanted to almost kill the only friend I have at school. That makes so much sense. Sometimes I don't get you. I just wanted to make sure Erin was ok because I'm a good friend. Now that I've done that I'm out."

He kissed Erin on the forehead & threw up the peace sign. As he was walking out the room he said "later bitches."

Erin & I found that really funny. Sam was such a happy go lucky person. Even with that lady's bullshit he still found time to make us laugh.

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