Chapter 1

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*nay's pov*

I sit on the tour bus waiting for Sonny to come back with our food.

Let me introduce myself, I'm Nay Hines. I joined OWLSA a few days ago and now I'm on tour with Mr.Skrillex. I'm signed under the name 'Nay' so creative right?

Sonny sat down in front of me, with a sad look on his face. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Charmaine" he glumly said. Charmaine is his girlfriend, they've had serious arguments every once in a while.

"What happened?" "Dumped..." he said. "I'm really sorry Sonny, are you okay?" "I guess, I should've seen it coming." "Come here" I standed up holding my arms out.

He got up and hugged me. It seemed kind of awkward since he's 5ft and 4in; and I'm 4ft and 8in. Yea I'm really short. Dwarfism flows through my family, I didn't get full effect just some of it.

When we pull back I stared into his eyes,"You're a big boy, so cheer up." I smiled. "Okay," he snuck a smile. "How about we go and get a drink" "You paying?" "Sure" I giggled.

We went over to a bar and talked for a bit sharing a pitcher filled with Mike's Hard Lemonade.

"So, Sonny feeling any better?" I smiled pouring some of the pitcher in my cup, then handing the pitcher to Sonny. "Yea, thanks by the way" "No problem".

We talked and talked for hours until we were interrupted by Sonny's phone. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's a text from Charmaine. She says she's sorry and wants to get back together". My smile dropped, I don't know why. Sonny and I are best friends, nothing more.

"Are you gonna?" i asked. "I guess so, yes" "Oh okay, congrats" "Thanks. I'll be back, I'm gonna call her." "Okay"

He left the store, leaving me behind. I hope he gets back soon, we have a show within an hour. After waiting for about 20minutes I decided to leave and make my way back to the bus.

I walk in the dark alone, stepping in puddles that are soaking my vans. Sonny wouldn't leave my mind. I just hope everything works out between them. I walk into the bus and Sonny nor 'Muffin' our bus driver is there.

I walked into my room looking for my razor and 'Happy Pills'. I have depression. You're probably thinking,"Oh wow. Midget with depression. Big whoop" You're not the only one, so does my mom. Okay enough soberness.

I heard the sound of the tour bus door opening. I cleaned myself, took a pill, covered the scars with bracelets and checked out who it was. "Oh hey Sonny" I said to the glum person. "Hey Nay" he mumbled. "May I ask why you're sad, again".

"Charmaine.... she was kidding." "Oh god Sonny, I'm sorry. Don't cry" "I'm not, remember I'm a big boy" he smirked at me. I giggled a bit. "What songs are we playing.?"

"Um on the list, we collab and do a remix of Sofi Needs A Ladder, then I do Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites, Cinema, and Ease My Mind. But all of that is before your 3 songs." He told me.

"Um I think I'll do, In The Clear, Make Them Suffer, and Say It Again". I said going through my Mac. He nodded and pulled his Mac onto his lap. "Lets go you guys, show starts in 30 minutes." Muffin told us. We got up and took our Macs, earphones, and our phones with us.

Looking around the stage and the crowds area, it was amazingly huge. "Wow" I said setting my things on the DJ table. Sonny did so too. "Amazing isn't it?" I asked him. He put his arm around my waist. "It's amazing, just like you".

My eyes widened, could this mean?

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