Chapter 6

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"M-me?" I choked out.

"Of course you." He chuckled. My breathing got heavier from the excitement. "Room... getting... darker... get my inhaler. It's in my purse." I pointed to it on the small table.

He dumped out my purse, and gave me the breathing object. After I took it, I sat on the couch looking down as he standed over me. Wow that was embarrassing....

"Oops, just became a little too excited ya know?". I slightly smiled, but still at level pro of embarrassment.

He had me stand up,"I understand completely". Gosh his eyes are beautiful. I just wanted to kiss him then and there.

We just standed there and kept staring, I looked away. He took my face and made us make eye contact again. Causing me to giggle.

"What's so funny?". He said beginning to laugh with me. I didn't get to answer, we began to have a random laughing fit.

"Okay love birds, we've got a show tonight happening in about an hour and it's neon and glow I'm the dark theme. So get ready". Muffin said as he walked up us, then walking away.

Sonny and I walked away and went into our rooms. I put on a white sports bra, bright pink Pom Pom like skirt, white vans and I just pour pounds of glitter in my straightened hair.

"Ready to go?" Sonny asked me. He had on a white T-shirt, pants, but black vans. I nodded.

Okay, Mac? Check. Phone? Check. Headphones? Check. Okay time to party! As Sonny and I walked inside I pulled out some glitter and put it in Sonny's hair.

"Thanks!" he said helping me setting up my stuff. "No problem". I helped him with the trigger fingers and turntables.

I preformed my songs Power, and Sway To The Beat. Everyone nodded to the beat, and cheered to my "I love you's" to them.

"Thanks you guys! You were such an awesome crowd! I love you New York!" I yelled into the mic. "Now here's my guy Skrillex!". I said as Sonny came by me.

He took control of the wild crowd. He began to play the first song, Rock N Roll (Will Take You To The Mountain).

I once again was behind him dancing and singing along. "Hello again to all my friends, together we can some rock n roll." After the song ended, he picked up the mic and yelled,"Okay I want to dedicate this song to Nay because I know it's her favorite."

And with that he began to play Kyoto. I blushed to much, it was my favorite. An again I couldn't stop smiling. After the song ended, he picked the mic up. "Now who's ready for the after party?". They cheered.

Sonny took my arm and we were lead to this room with kiddie pools. Instead of water they were filled with glow in the dark stuff.

Sonny pushed me in. He sat there laughing, I grabbed his arm and pulled him in with me after us laughing, we looked into each other's eyes. As people walked in and splashed around, we kept staring.

"Hit the lights" someone yelled. The room went pitch black and all you could see was the glow in the dark stuff everywhere on people.

I felt Sonny's hand on my cheek. Luring me forward, next thing I knew, a soft pair of lips were put onto mine. I opened my eyes a little and saw the glow stuff smeared on his face and clothes from me rubbing his body.

After the lights turned on Sonny's and I's lips were still together. "SONNY AND NAY, SITTING IN A TREE. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!". The people yelled.

Wow... meh. I love him.

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