Chapter 40

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Someone shook Hailey's shoulder. Hailey groaned. She wanted to continue to sleep, but she couldn't rest with someone pushing at her like that. She cracked an eye open. "Esmerelda?" She sat up.

Esmerelda raced to the wardrobe.

"What is going on?" Had Lillith returned? Had something happened to the princess.

Esmerelda pulled an ornate gown from the wardrobe. "The queen is going to be presented to the royal court. As royal mage, you are required to attend."

Hailey scrubbed at her face. "What if I don't want to."

Her friend gasped. "It is can honor. You have to go."

"I'll go. I just want to sleep instead. That's all. Do I have to wear that one, though. It's itchy."

Esmerelda was firm. "You will look like the royal mage that you are.

Hailey opened her mouth, but Esmerelda didn't let her speak.

"Don't even think about bringing up the awful robes that they used to wear."

And so Hailey allowed Esmerelda to put up her hair with surprisingly gentle hands, and dress her in the gown that Esmerelda wanted. When she was done, Hailey had to admit that Esmerelda knew what she was doing.

Her friend looked at her in the mirror. "If that soldier doesn't leave that other woman for you now, then there is no hope for him."

Hailey smiled. She did look better, and she was glad to heave a friend here who had more sense about these things. Esmerelda would have made the perfect lady.

"Have a good time," Esmerelda said, picking up the breakfast tray. "And hurry. You are almost late."

Hailey made her way to the Singer's Hall, one long room at the very top of the castle. Most of the seats were already taken, and she looked nervously for anyone she recognized. She wished she had not eaten so much breakfast. Just being around this many people unsettled her.

Aaron waved to her and she took a seat. He took her hand, sending a thrill through her. He was cleaned up and dressed in a new military uniform. She smiled at him. "Thanks for saving me a spot."

Queen Endolynn stood before the large group of people on a small dais. She cleared her throat. "As many of you know, my husband, King Theodric Aster has been suffering with an illness. It is with great sorrow that I stand before you now to tell you that illness overtook him and he passed away last night."

A gasp ran through the crowd. The woman to Hailey's right began to cry almost unconsolably. Hailey's heart ached. She would miss the old king, even though she hadn't known him for very long.

The queen wiped at her eyes, keeping more composure than most people in the audience. "But it isn't all bad news. My daughter, Aurora is awake and free from the spell that bound her. Aurora entered the room behind the crowd and they all gasped when they saw her. She was strikingly beautiful in her royal blue gown. When she reached the dais, she turned.

"People of Taivalon, it is my honor to stand before you. In three day's time, after my father's funeral and a period of mourning, I will be crowned queen." She glanced over the faces of the crowd with a look of earnestness.

"This kingdom still stands because of the brave soldiers who have gone to war to protect us from the onslaught of fairies, and while many of them have died in battle, others are still wounded and recovering. Soldiers of Taivalon, please rise."

Hailey grinned at Aaron as he rose. "I wish I had something to give you to honor your bravery and the dedication you have shown to your kingdom, but for now, you have our gratitude. You have defended Taivalon against one of the greatest enemies our kingdom has yet faced."

The crowd cheered and clapped for the soldiers.

"But none of this would have been possible without the tireless effort of our Royal Mage. Hailey, if you would please join me."

Hailey rose on trembling legs. She did not want to stand in front of a giant group of people.

"Not only has she saved me from the spell that kept me sleeping for so many years, but she has also worked tirelessly to save the kingdom from the fairies' invasion, and when all of that was done, did she stop working? No. She healed the soldiers. Taivalon is safe because of the efforts of one woman."

Hailey cringed, but tried to make it look like a smile. Taivalon was not safe. The heir was missing, but she couldn't tell the people that.

Aurora continued. "To the mage of Taivalon!"

As the crowd cheered, Hailey tried to make her smile look genuine. They had survived a difficult battle, but the war wasn't over.

There was feasting in celebration after the queen's proclamation, but Hailey couldn't bring herself to stay in the room with all the people laughing and drinking. There was too much on her mind, too much to worry about.

She lifted the skirts of her red dress and made her way into the corridor.

"I thought you might be trying to make an escape," someone said behind her.

She spun to find Aaron standing in the shadows. "I'm sorry. We can go back in if you want."

He held out an arm and she took it. "I think I'd rather know what is on your mind."

"Let's go to the courtyard," Hailey said. "And then I will tell you, but how did you know?" She loved the way his cheeks dimpled into a grin.

"Maybe it was the grimace that you gave the crowd while the new queen was shouting your praises."

She felt heat rise to her cheeks. "Was it that obvious?"

"To me it was."

They stepped out into the courtyard and into the cold night air. He took her in his arms and a thrill ran through her. He was so warm, and he had a way of making her feel safe, despite everything. He placed his chin on top of her head and said. "Tell me what's wrong."

And so she told him about Isabella, about Lillith. All of her fears and worries came tumbling out along with tears. She cried into his chest, feeling foolish for being so upset when the rest of the kingdom was celebrating.

"I'm sorry," she told him. "You could be in there celebrating and instead you're out her freezing and I'm making your jacket wet with tears."

He looked down at her. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

He kissed her then, tender and sweet.

Her heart thumped in her chest. Her lips felt hot against his and she let herself be taken by the passion that was flooding through her body. She shivered against him, and he broke the kiss.

"You're freezing," he said, rubbing her arms. "Whatever it is, whatever is out there still trying to destroy our kingdom, we will figure it out. We won't let Taivalon fall, but for now, I think we should celebrate our victory with everyone else." He took her hand and lead her inside.

As they walked, Hailey felt lighter. He was right. They had battled and they had won. They may have things to face in the future, but for now, they should celebrate. She grinned. He had finally kissed her and it felt so good just to have her hand in his. 

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