Chapter One - Where two Worlds meet...

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"I imagine this must be quite disorienting for you, Mr. Harris." A tall man dressed in the white overcoat of a doctor made his way around the spacious, high-ceiling room. Light only streamed from the eastern windows from which hung white curtains.

Mr. Harris, a greying man lay on an examination table with his hands strapped to the sides. Frightened and pale blue eyes darted back and forth from the doctor and towards the light, like prey just before it was eaten. Mr. Harris gave a muffled cry through the black gag in his mouth.

"Tsk-tsk." The doctor shook his head and smiled, "No need to fret just yet. Plenty of time for talk later. First things first... we'll see if all our hard work has paid off, shall we?" The doctor strode to the window, seeming to admire the beams of light that reached like fingers through the darkness above the horizon. Light traveled beautifully across the water, reaching across the watery expanse towards the shore from which waters receded. "Would you look at that? It's just a wonder how every sunrise is different from the one before. You would know Mr. Harris, having been my companion for several of such displays. Each one ultimately somewhat disappointing once the sun climbed past its daily challenger. But I've a good feeling about today, how about you?"

Mr. Harris' eyes sunk in fear and he gave several more muffled cries.

"Yes, I agree. Very promising." Pride had begun to swell in the doctor's otherwise clinical, observational tone. This was the moment he was waiting for. Success was just in sight, with the light progressing with the seconds. At the horizon, a golden orb of light inched its way upward setting fire to the sky.

The rays had reached the balcony and begun to stream through the window, slowly progressing towards the gurney. Mr. Harris eyed the rays with great apprehension, and a fear unrivaled to any other.

Skin met the light with the sound of scorching flesh and pained cries. Mr. Harris thrashed in full strength, knocking over several instruments that clattered noisily on the tiled floors. The doctor looked over with glee before pulling the windows down, shutting out the light with an exasperated huff. "Some people have no appreciation for beauty, even the most delicious of sun rises."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Hands clasped in prayer before the crucifix hung above the altar.

Tall columns of carved marble reached to ivory beams that were the ribs protecting the heart of the cathedral. Multi-coloured windows changed beams of light into a kaleidoscope that showered upon the congregation.

"Before the Almighty, the rich and the poor become equals..." Preached the solemn-faced priest dressed in white robes lined by scarlet. Jeweled fingers gestured fantastically, punctuating his heavy pronouncements that were met by nods of approval by a transfixed audience.

"None can buy their place with the riches of gold nor the pleas of the poor that is sinning..." Rags of the poor had surely bought their place in lowered pews closer to floor, while the gold of the rich, comfortable velvet-lined chairs closer to the pulpit and the crucified Christ. "Your prayers of repentance are your only holy riches!"

All the righteous indignation of the priest unfurled before them, demanding repentance. Women with feathered hats crossed themselves and muttered prayers of confession while others, visitors from ages past, perspired nervously in their finery.

Close towards the back, a man had been standing, paying close attention to the ceremony. His impassive face surveyed the congregation as if marking his next target without a care. Then he turned and reached for the knobs of the cathedral's door.

"You," The priest singled out for himself one such sinner, as was the custom, the man reaching for the door, and dressed in simple, functional winter clothing. "What sin has cast you from holy God?"

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