Summer of Connection

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A/N: Alright so guys, this is my first fanfic. I never envisioned myself writing a fanfic, only reading them and giving my input and insight. But after having discussions with procrastination14 on their story "A Reason to Remember the Stars" (Go Check it out; it's not even a 13RW fanfic anymore, it's basically an updated version of Jay Asher's original book mixed with the show and their take on the material) and them basically telling me that if I ever decided to write a story that they would back me up 100%, I was inspired once again to write, but the full-fledge story will have to wait until I work on and hone my skills, so I'll be doing lengthy one-shots/short stories for the time being. Now I don't know how one-shots work that much and I've been reading a lot of them in the last few months, so I'm gonna write them how I like to write them: long and lengthy with some details. I think I might make this into a one-shot book, but it's still a work in progress in my mind. Alright I'm gonna stop my rambling and let you read my work; tell me what you think and let me know what you think of my work.

P.S. this one-shot/short story was inspired by FandomOwlTrash fanfic Letters to Hannah (Please go check it out, it is fantastic) and another fanfic titled "The Summer That Almost Wasn't" that I read which made Clay stay for the summer and it was him and Hannah who connected instead of Zach and Hannah. So this is my interpretation and another possibility of how the events could have been. I love 13 Reasons Why with every fiber of my being, but I want to see other possibilities of the story because it was only one and there are multiple scenarios that could have happened and this is one of them.

Summary: Clay is supposed to go to his Grandparents' farm because his parents thinks it's beneficial for a "growing boy" to spend time in the country and he has to leave behind Hannah for the Summer. However, what if a unexpected turn of events occurred to where Clay has to stay home and spend his summer with Hannah and growing his connection with her?


Sophomore Year was a hellish battle for Hannah Baker and it was an experience that could break anybody down, but she stayed strong because even though she was berated, belittled, bullied on social media, in the hallways, labelled and casted out by most of her friends, she still had one saving grace and a beacon of light to her realm of darkness: her best friend and coworker Clay Jensen AKA Helmet. Even with everything going on in her life, Hannah still had her Helmet to brighten her life up with his maddeningly sweet and caring nature, coupled along with his horribly anxious tendencies. Before the night Clay showed her the moon and their dance together at the Winter Formal to Lord Huron's The Night We Met, Hannah had never even considered Clay more than just a friend, but after everything that has happened and when she filled out her Dollar Valentine, she discovered that she was slowly realizing there was something there for her friend, but she didn't know what it was.

It was a slow day at the Crestmont, school was about to end, summer vacation would commence, and everyone at Liberty High would be either staying at home or going on vacation in another place. Clay and Hannah were just at the Crestmont on their shift, with Hannah stacking the candy boxes into a tower to knock them down, but she wanted her Helmet to assist her in stacking and knocking the tower down, and Clay was just sitting on the counter doing his summer reading consisting of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, when Hannah began to call his nickname.

"Helmet." Hannah calls Clay's nickname, so that he can join in on building this tower and knocking it down, but he seems to not be able to hear her as he's reading a book, so she called his name one more time. "Helmet." Again, he seems really invested in this piece of literature so she called him one more time with a little more louder inflection. "Helmet." Clay looks up in her direction and she tells him, "If you don't build this tower, you don't get to help knock it down."

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