A Composition of Connection

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A/N: Alright so this was requested by C_ROCKER31 and given additional support by 1775rik, and it was something that just sparked in my mind and heart. These two are some of the reasons why I began to find that drive to write again after so many years. Go show C_ROCKER31 love with their stories, especially "Unexpected" because they are talented with their work. And even though 1775rik doesn't write stories, their analysis of stories is the one of the greatest I've seen on this platform, and something I look forward to every time we read the same stories. Additionally, an idea here was inspired by 13reasonswhyfics (go check out their stories, they are amazing). Also, a scene here was inspired by Optimus_95, and go check out their story (Clay & Hannah: The night was ours) because it is truly amazing and one of a kind, so go show some love.

Summary: When Hannah felt the need for human connection and interaction, the only source she could find was in Communications Class, and in that class she would receive drawings of bunnies, and it was something she looked forward too everyday, until someone decided to cut that connection. It's unknown whether or not Hannah knew deep down who drew the bunnies, but it was her friend, Clay Jensen. Regardless, if she knew or not, but what if Clay was able to reveal that he was the artist that gave Hannah a source of light in a world where darkness just seemed to grow.



When it comes to the subject of being lonely, it is known that we as humans are creatures of social desires; that we rely on connections in order to survive. That even the most basic social interactions help keep us alive. In the words of Poet Joe Straynge, "Human connection is the most vital aspect of our existence, without the sweet touch of another being we are lonely stars in an empty space waiting to shine gloriously." In the subject of humans being social creatures in this sense, Hannah Baker recognized that sentiment, along with the identification that she had barely any opportunities or occasions to be social and interact with anybody. Hannah felt the need and desire of human contact and would grasp any type of any kind, even if it was from the smallest and silliest of things.

On Wednesday, Hannah sat in Communications class listening to the girl in the front of the class feeling dejected and apathetic about being fat shamed, and even though she would never admit it out loud, Hannah loved Communications class. This class was an ocean size realm of human contact and interaction, and it was exactly what Hannah strived for. The girl up front continued to sob, with Mrs. Bradley gently rubbing her shoulder when Pratters, a dude in class and school known for his reputation of being a complete asshole and total dick spoke up.

"Maybe she should try a diet." Pratters said as the girl weeped into Sheri's shoulder who stood up to comfort her.

Hannah turned around, "Seriously, Pratters? Jesus!" She exclaimed, noting and looking at how upset the girl was and how unfair it was to single her out in that manner.

"I'm just saying, all right, if you're getting fat-shamed, then...you know, don't be fat." Pratters chimed and Clay shook his head at his ignorance.

"Mr. Pratters!" Mrs. Bradley yelled towards Pratters for his insults.

"Pratters, that's like someone saying to you, 'Don't be an idiot and a dickwad.' Can't help it." Zach Dempsey jeered, with Justin Foley laughing as he sucked the end of his pen.

"Exactly. Thank you." Pratters said with oblivion and Zach just looking at him with disbelief.

"Totally not on your side, dude." Zach said. Hannah laughed and shared a glare with the star basketball player, with him smiling at her handsomely, but she just looked away back in her general direction.

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