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Shrek:Hey donkey you got the onions?

Donkey:Yea bItCh you know i got your mOtHeR FuCkInG onions

Shrek:Im only saying this once they are pronounced OnIoNs

Donkey:Im going to be home with your OnIoNs in an hour

Shrek: Did you tell those dAmNeD fairies to come into my swamp again bc i will wHiP your aSs


Shrek:you are no longer allowed in mY sWaMp

Donkey:I'll do what ever the fUcK i wAnT


That's your bLoOd isn't it?

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That's your bLoOd isn't it?

Donkey:No bItCh

Shrek:Well then wHo'S Is iT?

Donkey:BiTcH i DoN't fUcKiNg kNoW

Donkey:Maybe its that oNe fAiRy bItCh

Shrek:wait um what was her name.. baldie-ba-ballie? OH WAIT it was bIlLy

Donkey:Yea its was BiLlY

Shrek:K imma go beata her aSs

Donkey:K bItCh

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