Chapter 1.

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Narrator Pov

This is a story of two lovers which depending on how you look at it may have a happy ending. This is a story, about a boy and girl who met and fell in love but the world it seems did not want it that way, for it seemed destiny or perhaps their own families even were determined to keep them apart, but the two lovers would not allow it, they knew deep down the two were meant to be together so they did everything possible to keep it that way, and so as the story goes, the two devised a plan to stay together, and whether or not their plan worked or not well you'll just have to wait and see....

Jughead Pov

My story isn't what you'd expect it to be, it won't end how you'll want it to end, but it's my story, our story, hers and mine, and as I sit here I realize we could have had it all, in any other life we would have it all. The perfect house. The perfect family, a girl and a boy just like we always dreamed of. But this isn't a perfect world, hell this isn't even the perfect story, but like I said before it's still our story, one I'll always cherish and remember even when I take my last and final breathes. Let me tell you the story of me and her, the story of us.

6 months earlier

Jughead Jones

Today is my first day of actual freedom. Today is my 18th birthday. I was free to leave the comfort and dangers of my family life as I pleased and I was determined to put it all behind me, that was until last night, when my father dropped by my suite near the late hours of the night

"Forysthe a word please" said my father entering my bedroom

Ugh Forysthe, my birth given name. A name passed down for three generations of Jones', even my sister Jellybean carries the name Forsythia, like really what kinda of family can be so egotistical? My family that's who

Now this conversation must be an important one if my fathers calling me by my proper name, he only ever does that when he plans to demand something of me, he usually calls me son, or boy, especially when I do something he doesn't approve of, and that look on his face is a bad sign. It's one that says you'll do as I say or else

I sat up on my bed and payed close attention to what my father was about to tell me, although I already had an inkling of what this conversation was gonna be about, and I already knew how it was gonna end. Badly.

My father and I never did see eye to eye very much, we fought constantly actually. I never did what was expected of me. I snuck away from my security detail at all hours, more times than I can count. I've never tried to follow my father's example, especially when his line of work could get me killed, and I intended to shy away from that life, that was until my father gave his orders

"Forysthe tell me, what does tomorrow mean to you?" He asks me

Not exactly what I expected but let's see where this goes

"For me tomorrow means I am a free man, a new man" I say looking him in the eyes

A devilish smile appears on his face

Here we go

"A new man indeed Forsythe, turning 18 also means turning a new leaf son" he tells me

"What do you mean by that exactly?" I ask trying to keep my tone even

"18. Wow, never thought I'd live to see the day" he says

"Yeah and you almost didn't, on a number of occasions actually" I say in a bitter tone

He glares at me but goes on

"I think it's time you changed your ways Forsythe, 18 means you get to forget all your adolescent mistakes and start a new leaf if you will" he tells me

"Where are you going with this?" I ask him

He sighs and turns to look me straight in the eyes

"Forsythe I'm getting too old for this life and the time has come for you to take my place in the family business" he says

We have a death glaring match for a few seconds before I speak up

"No" I said

"What did you say to me?" Asks my father on the verge of losing his temper

"I said no. Better yet hell no, I will not be carrying on the family business" I say standing up to look him in the eyes

My father glares at me before bursting out into a sarcastic laugh

"Oh Forsythe" he says shaking his head at me, putting a hand on my shoulder pushing me down onto the bed

"Did it sound like I was asking you boy!" He exclaims

He catches me off guard but only for a second

"I said no dad"

"Well then the time to be a child is over Forsythe" he says

"What you mean, you want me to leave the house because I'll be out by morning if that's what you want" I say in a harsh tone balling my hands into fists

"No boy that's not what I'm saying, I'm merely saying that the time to play mommy's little boy is over, it's time to grow up Forsythe" he says

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask

"It means that if you choose not to be in the family business well then that's your choice that's on you, I'm just warning you that the family business will no longer protect you and I won't be able to stop the Cooper family from taking advantage of that, understand what I'm saying boy?" He asks with a victory smirk playing across his face

What he was saying was: either join the family business or stand defenseless against the Cooper family

For as long as I can remember the Coopers have been our greatest sworn enemies. My fathers been keeping the situation under control but those Coopers are relentless, always trying to take away our side of town, the Southside

For years it's been our informal agreement with the Coopers. We get the Southside of Riverdale and they get the Northside, but ever since the Coopers found out there related to the Blossoms their wicked bloodline has increased and has become even more wicked and vicious

They've been making moves and they've been causing all too much commotion on our side of town and it's been making my father increasingly irritable

So I guess tonight was the night, decision time

Conform or be an outcast. Defenseless against the outside world. Hung out to dry with no remorse

I guess I had a decision to make and not a lot of time to make it

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