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                         Chapter 12

It was Monday morning already and Elisheva‘s wonderful weekend with Michael was over. She  was a little sadden when Sunday came and she had to bid farewell to him, but he hugged her forever and said that they’d soon have another day to celebrate their new love.  She had her morning coffee and was just leaving her apartment when Thomas tooted his horn and sped up next to her car in a rush. She shook her head as she tossed her over sized Coach Bag on the passenger seat as she held her coffee in her hand.

“Thomas.”She sighed in agitation.  “It’s too early for these surprise visits. What are you doing here so early?” She asked him leaning her backside on the car door.

“I’m a little tired of this attitude that you have. Why can’t you ever be happy to see me now? What’s up?”He asked staring at her as if he was her principal and she just got caught smoking a cigarette in the girls’ bathroom.

“Thomas. Regardless, if I’m happy to see you or not. Don’t you think it’s inappropriate to come here unannounced?” She held her coffee tighter as she stared at him.

“Look. I know about this thing you got going on with, Michael. It’s not good for business. I mean….what if the heads find out you’re screwing him?  Not only him, but me and a few others. For that matter what would Michael think?’ He asked with a humungous smirk on his face folding his arms.

“So you are jealous of Mj?” She studied his face furrowing his brows.

“It’s not about jealously. It’s about you cutting off what we had. I mean… come on… You can’t deny what we had. It was good and how are you just going to use me like that?” He demanded an answer from her

Eli laughed at him then sipped her coffee” Are you really serious? Tom, we had sex and that was it. And these accounts’ of people you say I was with. Tell me how are you getting your information?  And furthermore, this is my body, so if I want to sleep with Dick, Harry, or, Mj it’s my business. I hate to get a restraining order, but I will if I have to. Please, let me go, because I have a client coming in the office today.” She said as she turned to get in her car after opening the door.


Thomas reached his hand out and touched her shoulder. She stood frozen as she turned around slowly. Thomas begged her to reconsider this thing she got going on with, Michael, but she didn’t respond. She got in her car sat her coffee in the cup holder and drove away to the office. The drive took all of fifteen minutes, since she drove at top speeds to get there. It didn’t take her long to settle in her cubicle and begin her day.


It had to be almost two before Eli even began to slow down. She was working from the time she sat at her desk up into the late afternoon. Finally, she had an hour and a half of free time and she opted not to go anywhere. She had been working with clients' setting up new accounts and also working on an ad for a new hair care line one of her old clients had coming in the near future. She hadn’t even a chance to think of Mj let alone exhale a breath. She heard voices and soon Thomas was passing by with a few heads of the company, and he glanced her way with a deep smirk. He held up his finger and walked backwards slightly. He told the old gray headed gentleman and one dark haired lady he wanted them to meet someone. Eli heard all of this, but never thought they’d be walking into her little small cubicle she called home while at the office. She looked up taken aback when he walked in and called her by her first and last name. She stood up and put on the fakest smile ever as she walked away from her desk. He introduced her to the three people and told them meet the face behind the Strawberry Kisses campaign. The lady in the bunch retorted and said she remembered her and Michael working closely on the project together. Thomas added” Yes. They were inseparable on this.”He smirked at Eli and she smiled nervously pulling her hair behind her ear. One of the heads asked where was, Michael and she put on a simple look, because she had no idea, since she’s been working non-stop since she gotten to work. “Well… Eli do you have a clue?”Tom asked smartl y with a lowdown smirk on his lips, but the others never caught on.

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