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you know when you space out and you think about the most random of things
think about love being so overrated (or otherwise) and how you never shared any of it with anyone (erotic)
or maybe you did?
but the love didn't flourish
so you just let it go
so somebody does the job for you
think about the world and the flaws that create such beauty
think about the friend you haven't talked to in awhile
or the friend who collects meme templates to send you
and most probably think about the songs that remind you of someone
only to leave you hurting once again
you like to hurt yourself don't you?
even with words...you like the pain
that's why you want to keep all these hidden
some things are left unsaid
some are buried along the dead
but not yours

this poetry book is stuffed with my most random thoughts about, well, love
and the rest

love keeps us alive and writing thereof keeps me sane lol

let me know your thoughts in the comments!!
that will be fun to read!! also, your vote will be very much appreciated!! thank you already for stopping by!!

here's a cookie!!

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