Chapter One

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"Lady Diane, I am Sophie Teresa of Anjou, I'm one of your new Lady's in Waiting"I've talked to the Kings Mistress, Diane de Poitiers."Fine.Go tell My Son that I wanna see him"I went to the Chamber of Sebastian de Poitiers,the king calls Sebastian Bash.I have knocked on his Door."Come in!"
I've walked in."Your mother wants to see you"After I said that I leaved.When I was in Diane's Chamber I heared a knocking.I've opened the Door. It was Bash. "Leave me with my Son Alone."I and the other Lady's in waiting left the chambers.The Door opened."We need the court physician!Now!"Screamed Bash.
One hour later
"Congratulations,this Lady is pregnant"Said Nostradamus.Bash Smiled.I am going to the King to tell him.Ive knocked to the Kings door."Come in! "Said the King. "Your Mistress, Diane de Poitier is Pregnant" "What a Good Message!"said the King and went to his mistress. We've went back to Diane's Chamber.I and the other Ladies waited outside.When we were in Diane's Chambers she said that today Evening will be a Ball. "Sophie Teresa you can have one of my dresses" said Diane. "Thank you milady. It's a big pleasure" replied I. I know that the others were jealous of me. Later I leaved and went to the garden. There I met King Henry of Valois. "What's your name beautiful lady?" asked me the King. "My name Is Sophie Terese of Anjou my King" answered I. We've talked about France and then I went back to Diane.She gave me a beautiful blue dress. It looked a bit like that:

 It looked a bit like that:

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Then she gave me a crown

And now, I was ready for the Ball

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And now, I was ready for the Ball.
At the Ball
"Milady can I dance with you? " asked me the King. "Yes" answered I.
I don't dance since I was twelve years old. Diane and the queen looked at me. Then he Kissed me...

Hey 💟this is the first Chapter of this book 💗
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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2018 ⏰

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