You are the Reason

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You walk on my mind

I can't stop thinking of you

We beacame friends

We do stupid things

We laught like there is no tomorrow

We dream about our future

We shared every moment in our lives

One day I just woke up

I fall in love with you

but it is too late

I met your girlfriend

My heart broke into piece

My emotion mixed in my head

I keep watching you

A hundred miles away

You treat her like Queen but she treat you like a slave

She never notice the beautiful things that you do

One day you hug me and you starting crying like a baby

You cried a thousand river because she breaks your heart into million pieces

I comfort you with an open arms

My mind keep saying

"I will always here for you"

Here I am watching you

Marrying the girl of your dream

Your eyes lay on me

Your sleep is full of happiness

Im happy for you my friend

But you are the reason

Why my heart is till drowning

Why my head is still thinking

You are reason

Why I became a writer

Why I reach my goal

Why I keep inspire

You are the reason

Why I keep fooling myself

Why I keep my love for you

Why my life bacome upside down

You are the reason

Why my heart is still drowning of blood

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