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Debts Owed

The small moon of the large planet was where the end of her journey lay. There she would be keeping an eye on the animal populations in the mines surrounding ecosystem. And begin helping teach the natives English. Her lips sneered in contempt at the last thought. What could a 25 year old girl teach a group of native children? What could she teach anyone?

Her face became neutral once more as transferring onto the other ship occurred. Not that it took much concentration but still might as well prepare herself to be under someone's thumb for six years. Not like that was a new development. She had been under her ex boyfriends thumb for three years. After wards the manager of the strip club. And no the red head saint that shoved and pushed her to where she stood now.

A half smile found it's way across her lips when she realized it wouldn't be that bad. All things considered of coarse. She liked Grace far better than the other two. She was a woman deserving of her respect. Arriving and following yelled orders from military men and making my slow ass way into the base. A long unneeded lecture about the vast dangers of this planet and then following the nerd kids to the link room.

There she was! That beautiful 9.5 foot tall avatar that represented freedom. There she was just there floating in the fluid filled cylinder. Nothing else mattered but the escape offered to her. The opportunity to begin again.

'Defiantly worth 6 years in cryo...'

"Wow you look good after .... How many years clean?" The saint piped up. Brows furrowing in contemplation. "8 years. Not the same 17 year old I dropped off at the clinic and blustered to go to school. " Grace carried on.

"Good to see you too Doc" She sneered turning back to the avatar.

"And that outstanding personality. Welcome to pandora. " she walked off.

'Oh what a joy!' I thought wryly.

"You must be the animal expert. " a man with dark skin and hair said with a wide smile. "Max Patel welcome to the avatar program. "

"Kiera Drake. So when can we give this a try" she motioned to the avatar.

"Tomorrow. For now you can get yourself aquatinted to everyone and see your room. You could also try your video log. "

She nodded giving her avatar one last look. Then by passed all the new nerds and went to where her room was in the place all the others in the science department slept. Near to the lab in case of emergencies. There she settled in and fell into the bed.

'You would think I would have had enough sleep in cryo' she thought as her eyes fell heavily down to close in slumber.

She dreamed of red slashed of pain. Life lived with the stain of shame at skin showed and drugs pumped into a waiting vein. The sound of a child's head popping like a melon from the force of it connecting with a wall. The silence following. And the helplessness of just being able to watch it happen. Silence helplessness. It would never happen again.

Her trust would never be given again. Her pain would never again be voiced to give another pleasure. Her stomach would never swell with child again. She didn't just dislike the natives she hated them and everyone else too. Herself most of all. Especially herself.

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