Part 1

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Safire. A 19 year old woman who has never been in love nor been loved. Only a mere child to the world. She had so much more to see in the world and so many things to try.

Our story begins on a Monday morning. Early morning, when no one would dare to drive or even go outside. No matter. Safire was going to drive it anyway. Her parents were out for the weekend and they were supposed to be home around Monday lunch time. Safire made the stupid mistake of going to a friends house for a party. This would have been fine if only her friend's house wasn't 1 and a half hours away.
"I'll see you at Joyce's on Tuesday. See ya, Tanya" Safire called as she walked out the door.The drive was long and the road was rough. She was tired and yet, she still decided to take the risky drive home around the mountain along the cliff. Her phone buzzed. Buzzed again, and again, and again. It slowly became a normal noise to Safire's ears. Her eyes slowly closed. She realised that she was nodding off and forced herself awake.
"Stay awake, Saf. Come on. Just got to get passed this cliff. Then you can rest." She said to herself. Her eyes started closing again. Again the forcefully shook herself awake.
"PLEASE SAF. PLEASE. I NEED TO GET HOME BEFORE MY PARENTS!" Safire pleaded. The eyes were deaf to her pleads. "Stay awake. Stay awake. Come on. Stay... awa-" her words were cut off as she passed out at the wheel. Her car swerved close to the cliff. She abruptly awoke and realised she was so close. She quickly swerved back as her eyes grew weaker and weaker. Soon enough the outside wheels were off the side of the cliff and Safire was falling. 

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