The Horror Of A Pizzeria: Prologue

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In a quiet and eerie forest was a man running from this 'thing' that the man could not explain. It was...was a robot animal creature, it had devoured his two children right infront of him as they were at the park, he was just sat on a bench when he heard a scream and saw his daughter being torn in half and her heart had landed on his lap slightly beating, he let out a scream of pure horror and he bolted into the forest catching a climpse of the man eating robot monster.

He soon had reached a little town, he ran to the nearest house and as soon as he reached the door the beast grabbed his ankle and threw him at a tree. He let out a scream of pain as his back broke from how hard he was thrown but he had little to no time before the beast launched itself at him and broke his arm off bits of flesh dropped to the ground from his empty arm socket, blood started spurting out and it stained his shirt and the beasts yellow fur.

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