My Knight

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He came to me with a beautiful smile that made

my heart miss it's beat

a gleam in his eyes made my breathing go erratic

                His lean beautiful body made me wonder in god's existance


                He gave me a heartwarming smile, not out of disgust.

He wrote a fairy tale for the poor cynical girl,

He became my knight in the shinning armour

When the Vultures pecked me

                I build a strong fort around my fragile broken heart,

                burdened with many broken promises and rejections

                I watched him like a predator.

Nothing woould let me relax.

Not his kindness, I waited for him to strike like

many others before him, to loose his patience with me

                I know he is waiting for me to open the doors of  my fort

                or to destroy what is left of me, he thinks time may heal me,

                But it always leaves scar in its wake.

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