A Broken Mirror.

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Thank you, @theytookeverything for the beautiful cover:)

walking with her head down,I saw her.

A little dove with a lost big heart,

among a flock of crows.

The white beauty wandered along the flock of black

Out of place.

A numb soul with scars and wounds mirroring myself.

I picked her broken Mirror like heart.

A Broken Mirror that hurts my healed wounds.

Watching my each move like a predator and acting like one;

But her beautiful eyes betrays her, cowering in fear

Leting me see her through the crack of her facade.

I cried and wished for an angel during my sleepless night,

Bribing the almighty.

To save me from this beautiful heaven like hell,

But none came.

My life taught me your saved by the angels in ourselves,

today I will be the guardian angel for her,

I will fix her broken Mirror,

By filling up the cracks with my tattoed heart,

So I can finally show her

That she is beautiful,

despite the cracks in her heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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