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Would it kill you just to be honest?
Would it kill you to say I'm sorry?
Look me in the eye and ask for forgiveness?

We are both at fault here
But I have bent the knee so many times
That you don't even recognize it anymore

You call me a liar
You call me a cheat
You call me so many things that make me cry
I just can't go on like this

I don't want to be like this with you
One of my best friends in the whole wide world
But I won't back down now
For the this monster i have created
Has had its way long enough

Now I take my stand
Cause I won't lose you again mother and daughter hand in hand
Thats all I ever needed
Thats all we ever needed

Now im being bold and a woman
But you don't like the way I do things
OK, well I don't like the way you do yours
But we have to get through this

Let me slay your inner demons
Let me take away the pain
Cause when you're on a good day
we can talk and laugh all day

But on the bad ones your mood swings
Just destroys all the good we've done
And let it get blown in the wind
As if it was never there to begin with

I know I'm not perfect
but just remember you're not either
And the victim card has been played long enough
So here's my proposal to you

Come home
Come home to me
We have life here
And without you it's not worth living

I will except you as you are
Because i love all of you
And there's nothing in this world
That can make hate you

I Doesn't matter the mistakes you've made
Because all I see know is the the good you've done
And that's all that's worth remembering
For you're the angel in my eyes

I love you
Now and forever

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