Chapter 1

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Chase and his family are all on a big field, sitting next to a big tree. His kids are runnig around the tree and he and his wife are cuddeling close to each other, watching the kids have fun.
"Ah, I love it when they're having so much fun." Chase said to his wife, kissing her forhead.
"Daddy! Daddy!" his daughter said running to him with a big pink flower in her hand, "Look what I've found! It's so pretty!" She gave Chase the flower, he looks at it and smiles. "Yesh it's very pretty, bubblegum." Chase turned to his wife and shove the flower into her hair. "But it looks prettier on you..." Stacy smiled and they both kissed until their son came to them too. "Eww stop that!" he said fake-gagging on the kiss.
"Stop that you dickhead! Let them both kiss!" she shouted at her brother, punching him in the side. Chase turned to his daughter. "Bubblegum, what did you call your brother?" She looked nervous at Chase and stuttered in response "D-Dickhead..." she looked at her father with puppy-eyes and an innocent look. "Nice! I like it." He laughted and gave her a Brofist. After that he looked at his wife both started laughing and then all started to laugh, all hugging each other and...

"Chase? Are you ok? Chase vake up!"
Chase was woken up by the loud and energyc voice of the doctor infront of him. The doctor had an nameshield withe the name Dr. hvi. med. (usw.) Schneeplestein on it.
"Chase ar you alright? Ve just started your tserapy." Dr.Schneeplestein said.
"Y-Yeah... sorry i kinda fell asleep Doctor." Chase said scrubbing the back of his head.
He suddenly realized that he and the doctor had talked about his family, then the whole flashback make sence.
"So Chase could ve start again?" The doctor said in a calmly voice.
"Yes of course." he said, making himself comfy on the bed.
"So how are your alcoholic problems, Chase? Did you held our plan or...?" Schneeplestein said looking interested at Chase through his glasses.
"Well yeah, I didn't drank that much..." He said rubbing his back head and looking out of the window. "...but i drank." chase added.
"Hov much?" Henrik said in his german accent, looking at his clipboard and writing something down.
"I-I don't know." Chase mumbled, looking down at his fisted hands.
"Chase..." the doctor began, "You need to stop, do yu understand me?!" he said, giving Chase a kinda angry and worried look. "Yeah I know but..." Chase wanted to say but was interrupted by Henrik. "No you don't know! For fuck sake Chase, You need compleatly to stop!! Everytime I ask you, you say the same things over and over again. And I told you zat a milion times before!" The doctor shouted at him. "Stop shouting at me!" Chase said, standing up. "I am leaving!" he said closing the door loudly and roughly.

Chase was on his way to his home, after a walk he entered his hous throwing all his things on the floor and taking some Whiskey and a glass out of a shelf.

He sits down on the couch and pours some Whiskey into his glass which he drinks immediatly with one sip and put the glass rudely on the table.

"Dad look! I got a baseball from my friend! Isn't that cool?" Chase heared a boys voice say to him after he drank one more glass. Chase looked around him in panic, not understanding why he is remembering this. Then all of the sudden somebody called him. Chase looked scared at his phone. "Oh man, it's just Jack." He tried to act as normal as possible "Suuuuuuh Dude! Whats up?" but he just earned a big laugh from jack.
"Whats so funny dude?"
"Haha, nothing it was just the way you said "hello"."
"Well I always do it like that, don't I?"
"So back to the reason why I called you, are you free this evening?"

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