Chapter 6: God Ash?!(part 1)

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Red(Ash) and co. have just finished defeating Grant and has gained the cliff badge. They are now on their way to the Shalour City Gym to battle Korrina and get the Rumble badge.
Heads up, Korrina has 1 new pokemon

Time skip: Korrina's battle

"Mienshao!(Korrina's Mienshao evolved)" Korrina released the Martial Arts Pokemon. "Riolu! Dominate the stage!" Red released the Emanation Pokemon. "Riolu, Aura Sphere." Red called. Korrina was shocked, Riolu could not use that move, only Lucario! Riolu instantly ran up to Mienshao, blue aura ball glowing brightly in his palms. "Meinshao, High Jump Kick!" Meinfao leaped at Riolu, getting ready to kick. Unfortunately, Riolu jumped away from the attack and Mienshao kept sliding, it had loss 1/2 of its health. Riolu quickly released the aura ball. It hit Mienshao, sending it flying. "Mienshao, Calm Mind!" Mienshao, upon using this move, raised its Special Attk damage and Special Def.

"Riolu, Extremespeed around Mienshao then use Blaze Kick." Riolu got on its heels. It ran around Mienshao, running at about half the speed of light. (Aka:Very Fast) Mienshao got dizzy, so dizzy it couldn't stand properly. Riolu saw the dizzy Mienshao and kicked it, feet glowing red like fire, sending it backwards towards the wall. "M-mienshao! Please get up!" Korrina cried. Mienshao weakly got up, supprising Red and Riolu. "Mienshao, Swift!" Mienshao launched a barrage of bright glowing stars. "Riolu, Shadow Claw to stop the stars." Riolu's claws grew much larger and glowed black/purple. It ran up to the stars, jumped and destroyed the stars. "Finish this off with Giant Aura Sphere!"

Sphere forming in its palm, Riolu rushed towards Mienshao, ready to launch. "Shao!(Ahh!)" Mienshao screamed as the Aura Sphere hit. Mienshao fell to the ground, motionless, eyes turned to spirals.

"Mienshao is unable to battle, the challenger and his Riolu win. Korrina, please send out your next Pokemon!"

"Machop, I choose you!" Korrina shouted, returning Mienshao and releasing Machop. "Riolu start this of with ExtremeChop!" Red shouted. Riolu broke into a sprint while his paws(?) glowed white. Riolu reached the speed of sound and started to charge at Machop. "Machop! (Kyaa!)" It cried as Riolu rammed into it. Machop, because of the sheer force of Riolu ramming into it, was sent backwards, hitting the wall. Riolu caught up with Machop and use his paws to punch the living daylights out of it. "Riolu, that's not the way. Dual Chop only hits twice." Red wagged his finger. Riolu sighed and backed away, awaiting its trainer's next command. "Machop please get up!" Korrina cried after having witnessed her Pokemon being beaten up. "Ma-machop!" It cried standing up. "Great Machop! Now use Brick Break!" Korrina called. Machop charged at Riolu at full speed, hoping to knock Riolu down a peg or two. "Riolu, take it."

Korrina was shocked(again), how could a tiny, off-coloured, young Riolu stand against an-about-to evolve Machop using Brick Break?

Machop lunged at Riolu, punching and kicking him, yet Riolu looked unfazed. 'How is that possible?' Korrina thought. "Riolu, Thunder Punch!"

Machop gave a last punch, sending Riolu flying into the air. Though, Riolu didn't scream, didn't cry, just smirked and Machop... Oh, he didn't like that. It was unsettling...

Riolu took his chance as Machop was distracted. Riolu's paws crackled with electricity, yellow sparks flew out of its paws. With a kind of roar, Riolu struck Machop with its electric paws, sending Machop backwards. Machop's body was sprawled across the floor, his eyes turned into a spiral.

"Machop is unable to battle, the challenger and his Riolu win. Korrina, please send out  your last Pokemon!"

"Lucario! It's all up to you!" Korrina called, releasing Lucario. "Riolu, you good?" Red asked. Riolu nodded, he wanted to face Lucario. "This time I'll start! Lucario, Bone Rush!" Korrina called.

Two bones formed in Lucario's paws. Lucario snarled, and rushed to Riolu. "Riolu, use your own Bone rush!" Smaller bones appeared in Riolu's paws. Riolu rushed top Lucario and began to sparr with it. The sound of bones smacking against each other was heard. It was an even match, no one would win and no one would lose. Until...

"Lu-cario! (Take This!)" Lucario snarled, using the bones to send Riolu back. Riolu yelped at the sudden movement and was flung backwards to the wall. "Riolu!"  Red ran to the injured Pokemon. "Are you ok? Do you still wanna battle?" Riolu nodded. "Alright then, Extreme-Blaze-Jump Kick!"

Lucario and Korrina had similar expressions, they were confused. What type of move is this? It wasn't move any Pokemon learns... This trainer is very mysterious. First, he covers up his face, has a Riolu that can use more moves than it should know and then teaches pokemon to us moves that are not real?!

Riolu charged at Lucario, flames engulfing its right leg, and jumped into the air, ready to kick Lucario. "Lucario catch him!" At the last moment, Lucario caught Riolu by the leg. Riolu's eyes widened and it yelped, hoping to break free. "Lucario, Mega Evolve!" Korrina shouted, key stone in her hand glowing brightly. Lucario's Mega stone reacted and Lucario glowed.

"Lucario, use Power-up Punch!" The now-Mega-Lucario's paw had a faint orange glow, it held Riolu in one paw and got ready to punch it with the other.

"Lu! (Ah!)" Riolu screamed. Mega-Lucario punched Riolu, sending the Emanation Pokemon to the wall. It slammed against the wall creating a large amount of dust. "Riolu!!" Red shouted. "Please be ok!"
Riolu lay in the crater it created, thinking about what happened. Red aura formed around it. 'Ash!' Riolu thought. It had to get up. Using the last bit of its strength and willpower, Riolu pushed the rocks outwards. It gasped for air as it crawled out of the ditch.
"Riolu! You're ok!" Red shouted happily, running up to the pokemon. 'Yes Ash, I'm fine.' Riolu chuckled. "Uh... Lucario use Metal Sound then use Bone Rush!"

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