The Upside Down

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The British brunette woke to screams echoing in the hallway. She instantly and carelessly hopped out of her bed, nearly tripping over the sheets. She ran to the door and gazed out the bars.

Sophia Lillis was being dragged down the hall by three large guards. The red headed girl kicked and screamed as they pulled her to the room that lead to the Upside Down.

"What the fuck is going on?" The ebony haired boy asked from behind her. Millie was startled by his voice but she didn't show it. She just turned around and looked him right in the eyes.

"Sophia Lillis did a bad thing, Pretty Boy." Millie said in a perky tone before walking by him and back to her bed with a grin. The brunette simply ignored the screams as she pulled a comic book out from under her mattress. It was a Harley Quinn comic. Millie scanner through the pages. The brunette adored Harley Quinn and looked up to her even though she was a fictional character but Millie treated her as a real person.

Finn looked at the comic she was scanning through. "I'm not a fan of Harley Quinn, The Jokers better in my opinion." Millie instantly looked at him with a strange look in her eyes. She placed the comic down and walked up to Finn. Finn instantly felt her palm collide with his cheek. He immediately grasped it in pain and watched as Millie skipped back to her bed and sat down. Finn watched as she picked up the comic and read it as if nothing happened. (Don't hate on Harley Quinn cause Millie and me will tag team slap you)


Finn wondered about where they took the red haired girl so at dinner he eavesdropped in peoples conversations about it.

"I wonder how long she's gonna be in the Upside Down" Another red haired girl that I had heard Millie call Sadie said.

"The Upside Down sucks" A chocolate skinned boy said as he picked up a piece of chicken with his fork. "Don't act like you're the only one that has been in The Upside Down, Caleb." A blue eyed boy spoke. "Oh shut up, Gaten! We all know Millie's been in the Upside Down the most." Caleb pointed at the insane brunette who was carving something into the table with her plastic knife.

Millie's expression changed quickly to one of sadness but, the girl instantly changed it back to her normal grin. She shook her head.

"What'd Sophia do anyways?" A brunette boy asked trying to change the subject. "I heard from Chosen that she beat up her cellmate Lilia." The curly haired boy said as he chewed on his lip. The boy pointed over to a blonde haired girl who had bruises and cuts all over her. Everyone nodded in agreement and went back to eating.

Finn was still confused. What was the Upside Down? He asked himself as he bit at his empty fork and it broke sending pieces of plastic in his mouth. He cringed and spit them out into a napkin.

The ebony haired boy stood from his wooden seat. He held his metal tray firmly in his hands. The y'all boy walked through the lunchroom. He could feel people looking at him. He dropped his tray off at the tray return and began to stride back to his cell.

Millie watched him curiously. She tilted her head which sent her brunette hair cascading into her view. The girl lifted her hand and moved her hair behind her ear. Millie looked around for Finn only to find that he had disappeared down the hall.


Finn sat on his bed thinking. He wondered what was the Upside Down. He was snapped out of his trance by the cell door opening. The short haired psycho walked towards her bed and dramatically flopped onto her bed.

"Some brown haired bitch called me a psycho." Millie stated with a sigh. "I wanted to beat her ass but then I'd have to go into the Upside Down so i tripped her as she walked past." Millie giggled at herself before turning over and looking at the ebony haired boy.

"What is the Upside Down?" Finn asked. "Well if it wasn't obvious already, its solitary cells, Pretty Boy." Millie responded before slipping off her bed and sitting on the ground next to Finns bed. Finn sighed and looked down at the brown haired girl. He patted her head before turning onto his side and staring at the wall. He felt his eyelids grow heavy and he soon drifted off into a nightmare filled slumber.

Millie felt Finn pat her head and she just rolled her eyes. With a sigh she stood up from the ground and hopped onto her bed. She hung upside down for awhile till she felt her head ache. The brunette climbed onto her bed and rolled onto her stomach. She fell asleep with a final sigh.

Don't judge. Y'all are lucky I updated because I'm sick as fuck and I want to punch someone. I'm sorry it's short.... jk! I really don't give a fuck Lol. Anyways peace out before I snap.

-Ari The Hoe 🥀

Also fuck spelling mistakes

878 words

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