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It's been about a week since the haircut issue and Millie has yet to leave the cell. The guards don't care that she's not eating. Finn I starting to worry about her, at night he sometimes awake to hear her crying.

Finn awoke from his slumber to crying. The room was pitch black. Finn sighed and pulled his sheets off him. He hoisted himself out of the bed and onto his feet. He shivered as his feet came in contact with the freezing cold floor. He tip toed over to Millie's bed and pulled her sheets off her. He saw the outline of her figure. Without thinking he pulled her into a hug and felt her crying into his shoulder.

"Shh it's okay" Finn said calmly as he climbed onto her bed still holding her. "I'm here" Finn said as he felt Millie push herself closer to him. After a few minutes he felt her body go limp. He looked down at the now sleeping girl. He could vividly she her features. Her olive skin, her plump lips. Her adorably short hair. The scar that ran across her forehead. Finn felt a wave of tiredness blow over him. His eyes fluttered closed with the girl still in his grip.

Millie opened her eyes with a sigh and looked up at the now sleeping boy. She brushed one of his curls out of the way of his face. She admired the freckles that sprinkled his cheeks. Millie ran a hand along his pale cheek with a smile. The girl removed his hands from her waist and stood up walking towards the cell door. She ran a hand along the stone wall till she found a loose stone. Her hands gripped it and pulled it from the wall. A silver key fell to the ground and Millie bent down and picked it up with a smirk. The brunette reached her hands through the bat and inserted the key in the lock. She carefully turned it and the door slid open.

Millie smirked and removed the key from the lock, stuffing it in her pocket before sniping down the hall on her way to Sadie's and Noah's cell. Millie stopped at the door and inserted the key on the key hole turning it and sliding the door open. She tiptoed into the cell and jumped on Sadie. A startled Sadie awoke to the brunette on top of her. "Ugh you bitch!" Sadie said slightly annoyed. "Yes I am" Millie hummed in response before hopping off her bed and onto Noah's.

"Noah my gay baby wake up!" Millie whisper yelled at him and his eyes fluttered open. "What the hell Millie!?" Noah asked as he sat up in his bed. His browns eyes shifted from Millie to Sadie. He shot Sadie a "what the fuck" look and Sadie just shrugged.

"I'm bored" Millie said slipping off Noah's bed. A mischievous smile spread across her face. "Race you to the cafeteria!" Millie yelled and Sadie and Noah smirked. They hopped to their feet and began down the hall.

Sadie smiled in victory since she was the first person there. Then came Millie and Noah. Noah was panting and Millie was smiling like a maniac. "I'm hungry" Millie said. "Well no shit Sherlock you haven't been out of that cell in a week" Sadie sarcastically responded. Noah was leaning against a table still breathing heavy. "I think we broke Noah" Millie said with a smirk, her eyes fixed on the brown haired boy. Sadie nodded and gazed at Noah. She went to return her gaze to Millie only to find her standing on a table.

"What the hell Millie!? Get down!" Sadie whisper yelled and Millie frowned, sliding off the table. "You guys are no fun!" Millie said in a sad tone. Sadie smirked and Noah finally regained his composure. They all walked to the door that lead to the kitchen. Sadie tried to turn the knob but it didn't turn. "Dammit!" Sadie yelled slamming her fist into the door. "Do you need any help?" They all turned towards the voice and saw the ebony haired boy standing by a table a couple feet away.

"Pretty Boy!" Millie exclaimed and she ran up to him engulfing him in a hug. Sadie and Noah looked extremely confused. "Oh damn Millie have you been fucking your cell mate?" Sadie asked breaking the silence. Finn's cheeks turned bright red and Millie and Noah started laughing. "No I haven't been Sadie" Millie said once she had recovered from her laughing fit. Millie grabbed Finns hand and dragged him over to the door.

"Open it." Millie demanded and Finn just nodded. He pulled a paper clip out of his pocket, he straightened it and stuck one tip on the keyhole. He wiggles it around for a minute. "He's not gonna do it." Sadie said as he rolled her eyes. Suddenly the door opened and shifted his eyes towards Sadie.

"Keep rolling your eyes and maybe you'll find a brain back there" Finn snickered and walked through the door into the kitchen. Millie and Noah chuckled at his joke and followed him into the kitchen. Sadie rolled her eyes again before following them through the doorway. Millie immediately ran over to the fridge and opened it.

"Guys I found the chocolate pudding!" Millie screeched with delight. Finn, Sadie and Noah walked over to the fridge.

"Grab as much as you can then meet us back at our cell!" Millie said before grabbing a few packs of pudding and running out of the kitchen. Finn and Noah followed behind her also holding pudding. Sadie frowned and grabbed some plastic spins and two more pudding packs before walking out the door and down the hall to Millie and Finns cell. Sadie arrived to see them all sitting on the floor with smiles on their faces. Sadie smiled softly.

"SADIE YOU SMILED!" Millie exclaimed and shot up pulling her friend into a hug. Sadie smiled and grabbed Millie's hand. They sat on the ground and Sadie passed out spoons. The four all began to eat and chat with eachother with smiles on their faces.

Hey my mental health is horrible.


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