Disclaimer: I do not own Devil May Cry, just my OC’s
-Wendover high school 7th period-
The bell rings in the background, dismissing the students for the day. Marlo, Chris and RoRa head out towards the hallway towards their lockers.
“Ugh, I can’t believe that you talked me into taking AP Chemistry you little shit.” Marlo whines as she pops her neck.
“Well, you are the one that wanted to have all the same classes, and you got to pick last year so meh.” Chris said the last part sticking his tongue out at the elder twin.
“Oh yeah, well how ‘bout this, MMMEEEEEHHHHHHHH.” Marlo retaliates with a longer and louder noise as she sticks her tongue out at Christ. RoRa just looks at them and shakes her head, letting out a sigh. A lot of students would be freaked out by a mismatched wolf that can make human noises, well they still are.
“So what time do we have to be at Tomlin’s house?” Marlo asked after she got done making reindeer antlers and sticking her tongue out at her brother.
“The note said that they would leave for dinner around 6:30 or so, the sun won’t go down till around 7:20, so we can get dinner and go out.” Chris said as he stuffed his books and other supplies into his backpack.
“Okay, but do we wanna look around the place first to get a grip on what we’re facin.” Marlo asked as she copied what Chris was doing, her locker being next to his. Chris and RoRa looked at her like she was some monster.
Chris looked at RoRa, “Should I invoke the body snatchers clause?” Now it was Marlo’s turn to stare at them.
“What the hell are you talking about now?”
“Well, you never suggest recon for any job, mainly because we suck at identifying the demons by just demonic energy traces alone.” Chris pointed out with RoRa shaking her head.
“Sorry, but I think the shock from having good pizza is affecting my brain.” Marlo scoffed and put her hand to her forehead like she was going to faint.
Chris and RoRa just grimaced and started to walk to the school’s exit. “Hey wait.” Marlo yelped out and slammed her locker; she then burst into a sprint.
“Hey Chris!” the twins turned to see a group of people coming towards them as they got out of the school.
“Hey prawn, whats up?” Marlo asked when she recognized the former school quarterback and other oldies, as well as a few newies.
“Just wanted to say congrats to your brother.” Prawn said with a smile. He was taller than both the twins and his teeth sparkled. Prawn was one of the few people who actually believed that the twins were for real when I came to demons before the infestation four years ago. He was also one of the first people who didn’t treat them like outcast.
Chris just smirked at him, “I’ll gladly accept it, and I know that you had a little beef with Brandon.”
“Yeah, him and everyone else.” One of the other people in the group scoffed.
Prawn just smirked and laughed, “Actually I kinda have to thank him, and it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have brought my GPA, but still thanks for beating that little shit.” Prawn extended his head.
Family of Devils
ספרות חובביםSummary: The short stay of two new devil hunters lead the crew of Devil May Cry to cast light upon truths that have been hidden from them. Who are these new hunters? what happened to Lucia? What will happen once the truth is known?