Wicked little things.

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Disclaimer: I do not own Devil May Cry or its characters, Just my OC’s.

Recap: The girl giggled again. “Emma.” She replied in a bubbly voice that sounded like wind chimes. Chris’s alarmed senses seem to ease as the little girl talked more, he felt more… entranced.

“So Emma, what are you doing in the bathroom here? Where’s your family?”

Emma giggled sadly then grabbed ahold of Chris’s hand and tugged. “I’ll show you.” And then dragged him back through the back room door. Chris offered no resistance, instead he followed her willingly, a smile spreading across his face as they exited through the emergency exit. As they walked outside and along a dirt trail that lead into the woods behind the diner, all Chris thought was, ‘Why do I feel so sad?’

As Chris walked further away from the diner, he began to feel heavy, the feeling was brought on by some unknown thing to him, but it felt as if someone placed a thousand years of tears on him, and all those tears were nothing but sorrow.

“Emma, where are we going?” He asked the little girl that was pulling him along. She stopped and turned around to stare up at him, her hazel eyes looking shocked.

Emma stepped back from Chris and let his hand fall to his side. “You’re not supposed to talk.” She whispered silently. The moment that she let go of Chris, the heavy sorrow was lifted, which caused him to stagger ever so slightly.

Chris felt something inside him stir, and it was something that he didn’t want to let out. He looked at her and glared. “Emma, where were you leading me?”

She stumbled backwards and started to stammer. “Y….you sho….should have just stayed quiet!”

Chris took a step towards her and leaned down. “And why is that?” his face was emotionless but held a soft undertone of anger, if Dante was there he’d remark on how similar it was with Vergil’s usual stoic look.

“Because it would have hurt less.” She whispered softly, and then her face started to change. Her features started to sink inward and loose color; she started to appear more corpses like.

Chris took a small step backward out of awareness. “I should have known.” He told himself. He then took out Judith and flicked open the lid. “I must say though, you are quite the enchantress.”

“Why didn’t you just stay quiet?” she asked, her voice sounding choked. “The others kept quiet, why couldn’t you?!” she screamed, a rustle sounded in the area, causing Chris to pivot his head around to look and see what was happening.

“Emma, are you the one who has been causing problems around the mine?” he asked her as he continued to survey the surrounds. Shadowed forms crept from behind one tree to another, a hushed whisper started to run around the air.

“I didn’t want too.” She sniffed, then sat down and brought up her knees to her chest, her bunny rabbit doll stuck out slightly. “I didn’t want to go down there, I hate it down there.”

Chris stopped looking around and stared at her. “What are you talking about?”

Emma didn’t answer; instead she sniffed and curled up deeper into a ball. “It’s so dark down there, why did you make me go down there?” she started crying by then, her voice growing higher and strained, more piteous. “Mommy, Daddy? Why’d you make me go?” she sobbed louder that time, and a branch cracked inside the woods. “WHYYYYYY!!!!” Emma cried aloud that time, and then the forms burst forth from the trees.

-At the diner –

“What the hell do you mean by ‘the miners’?” Marlo demanded as she goes up and glared at Bethany.

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