Chapter 5

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I'm the most immature person ever in Games (PE) we had to number ourselves 1-4 I shouted "I am Four" then whispered "without the whole Marcus thing"

I yelled it really loudly.


Four POV
It was like a nightmare. Marcus was pounding at the door and fortunately nobody had guessed that Tobias could be me. But I had to get away from this. Actually I need to confront this.
"Four where are you going?" Asked Christina as she saw me walking towards the door"Or should I say Thomas."
"No you shouldn't say Thomas and you should all go into the bedroom." I say gesturing towards whoever's room it was. I was in no mood to remember details.
"Erm." Replied Will
"Now!" I hissed "Just Tris look for me after two hours. I'll probably be at his place."
"Okay." She replies softly tears streaming "I'm proud of you."
Everyone else looks confused and rightly so really but Tris tells everyone to get a move on. I look pointedly at Uriah my hand on the handle but then I stop. That reminds me directly of Marcus. (A/N that's a thing in the Four book)
When everyone is gone thirty seconds later I open the door.
"Yes?" I reply
"You need to come with me."
"Yes sir"
We walk in silence, normally adrenaline pulses through me, now it's fear. Everything is numb and I can't even think straight. He does lead me back to the Abnegation building. He gets some weird glances. I risk miming "Call Beatrice" to Andrew Prior. I hoped that using her full name will help him understand.

Tris POV
"Look if Tobias hadn't told you then I'm not going to either." Holy shit! I just said his name I can wing this.
"Tobias? Marcus's son."
"Yes he's the one who told me about.." Phew nobody noticed yet.
Then my phone rings. It's my dad.


"Hello Beatrice," Andrew said slowly, "

Me: Dad?
Andrew: Hello Beatrice, Tobias was walking through Abnegation today he mouthed to phone you.
Me: Holy shit!
Andrew: Beatrice Prior!
Me: Sorry, sorry, sorry but you know how you're a selfless Abnegation.
Andrew: yes?
Me: please please can you save Tobias
Andrew: Save him? From what?
Me: Marcus
Andrew: you don't actually believe the Erudite do you?
Me: No I don't but I do believe Tobias.
Andrew: He told you that?
I walked across into the wardrobe before saying.
Me: he's my boyfriend Dad. He hasn't even told anyone his real name except me. He showed me his fear landscape it had Marcus hitting him with a belt. It was horrible.
Andrew: Honey I promise I will set up my tape so if he screams I can reveal it to all of Abnegation. At whatever cost. I love you sweetie.
Me: You to Dad
"Okay, okay (another reference)" Starts Christina "Who's Tobias and WHATS GOING ON?" Everyone else looks at me expecting an explanation.
"I swore not to tell"

Four POV
I was currently sitting in my old Abnegation bedroom. I hoped that he would forget I was there. He did that some nights when I was younger, the silence was bliss to me.
I heard his footsteps on the stairs and steeled myself. If he was going to do anything I wouldn't, I couldn't cry out.
"Hello son." I glare at him trying to see through his act. "You really have forgotten how to respect important people haven't you Tobias."
I didn't know what to say to that. He was the leader of the town. He was more important than me even the Factionless were more important than me, at least they were a statistic. I really was nothing.
His eyes turn icy as he speaks it seems to drain all the oxygen out of the room:
"Then I will have to teach you a lesson."
Then he did something different. He punched me in the face and everything went dark.
Tris POV
"You guys stay here I'm going to go and find Four."
"Okay." Everyone replies "We'll keep playing truth and dare."
"If we're not back in an hour get Max and tell him to go Abnegation. Oh and...never mind."
"What should I have said though" I thought as I pulled on a T-shirt. "That Four will be emotionally unstable?"
Without a word to anyone else in the room I walked out the room. On the other side of the door I let a sob out for Tobias.
"Marcus is evil" I murmur before sprinting out the compound.
Zeke POV
"Do you think she meant to say that out loud?" I asked everyone. They all shook there heads. "Why will Four be emotionally unstable?"
"None of us know big bro, let's just trust Tris and play the game." Say Uriah. "So Christina Candor or Dauntless?"
"I dare you to run around the pit shrieking I'm pregnant I'm pregnant. Where can you get a hairbrush?"
"What the heck!" I say "What does a hairbrush have to do with any of this."
"That's part of the dare."
Christina ran around the pit which took around a minute shrieking "I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant." Which got some "Good for you." "Congratulations" Or "Can you be quite" And then started shouting "Where can you get a hairbrush?" Some people looked confused others  concluded she was not pregnant and it was a dare. But it was hilarious.
I imagined Four. He had no sense of humour almost like he was disturbed. Maybe this is how I can work out who he is. I'm a little hurt that Tris gets to know and I don't. I am his best friend and have known him for a considerably longer time.
We barrel back to the apartment laughing and chuckling. When we're all in the circle we begin.
"Can somebody get the door?" I shout. Peter walks past the door and I don't know why but I ask him to join. He comes around the door.
"So Peter Candor or Dauntless."
"I dare you to go on Amity peace serum"
"Sure." He replies jabbing a needle in his neck. Uriah grins.
He spends the next hour loopy saying things like:
"Lynn you look pretty"
"Zeke can I do your hair."
He even makes a batch of cookies, we all eat them and he pouts because he doesn't get one. When it wears off we all burst out laughing including Peter. Maybe he's not as bad as I thought.
"So Shauna Candor or Dauntless?"
"I dare you to find out Fours real name."
"I figured it out already." I gape at her my eyes aghast. I probably look like a cartoon carature.
"Boys I know this may be hard but think." We all groan but Peter persists:
"So what is it?"
"You never said I had to tell you." Everyone groans at Peters stupidity and continues with the game.
"Zeke Candor or Dauntless?"
"PANSYCAKE" Shouts Uriah but without Tris to throw cushions I feel so aware of the gaping holes in our group. It's like leaving a door open and feeling the draft or taking a piece of furniture out of a room. It looks spacious and empty.
"Do you like Marlene and why?" Asks Shauna. I blush furiously and glare at Shauna.
"Yes I do like Marlene." I admit my voice barely a whisper "And I like her bubbly personality and her chocolate brown eyes."
Someone wolf whistles and everyone bursts out laughing. I think of Four he's so serious, he never even laughs, he's just so stiff. But I miss that.
This is an example of fictional characters for me like in Jenny Hanns all the boys I've loved before or Steven Camden's Tape they're so slow to catch on!

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