Le gasp has been said by many Wattpad members and people in society, but I ask you this, do you say Le Gasp?
Welcome brothers and sisters for our sacred ways of speech shall be preserved here. You are home my children.
MoosebunThe people I have tagged will be known as The Godfathers of this group. They shall be responsible for spreading the word of Weabo_Legend and bringing new people into our group.
If you would like to be a full fledged member, please comment and I shall add you to the list of honor. There are requirements to become a member though, they are....
Requirements of Le Gasp
1. Must say Le Gasp when encountering surprising situations
2. Must be kind to those who do and don't say Le Gasp
3. Must spread wisdom of Le Gasp
4. Let potential members know that their home is here.
5. .......le gasp! I don't know what to put! Comment possible rules for rule 5! STAT!!!! Le gasp!
Lastly, don't ever forget, if you see something surprising that's comment worthy, use the word of le gasp.
Don't do drugs.
- Weabo_Legend
Le Gasp The Club
SpiritualIf you say le gasp you are welcome here. You will not be criticized or punished for your choice of language here. Le gasp is accepted among us members of society. If you say Le gasp as well, I welcome you with open arms to join us. You are home now...