Why hello there!

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So. How is everyone?

Welp. I hope everyone is well and fantastic!

If any of you saw my announcement than..........you'll probably know I got a panic attack yesterday.

I hope I didn't worry anyone while it was happening yesterday.

I feel like I should explain about how it happened since I got some messages asking about it and how it happened.

OH. Speaking of messages, you guys are always free to message me. About anything or need someone to talk to.

Lol okay back to what I was saying.

I'm not gonna say names but there were quiet a lot of false assumptions that were made yesterday and I wanted to clear them all out of the way.

1st off, the panic attack wasn't provoked or was triggered by anything. It simply happened when I was messing with phone and it kinda just....happened. It's a crappy explanation but that's basically how it happened. It only lasted for about 45 minutes.

I was home alone when it happened so there wasn't anyone there.

I felt the symptoms and looked them up after it passed and they fit perfectly.

I was too embarrassed to tell my mom about it when she came home so I've kind of been keeping it to myself. It's no big deal so I didn't want to worry her with it when it happened.

2nd off. I don't know why this was asked or why it was mentioned, but my dad doesn't abuse me.

I love my dad and he loves me too, he would never do anything to hurt me like that. I love him so damn much, that it hurts when someone would even think that about him.

Please don't be spreading rumors that my dad abuses me. It's not right. Nor is it correct so please don't ask me about that anymore.

I'm not angry about it, but I'm not happy either.

It just makes me kind of..............sad. I don't know what caused this to be a thing or why it came to be but it's not true. My dad does not abuse me.

If you guys have any questions about anything else I'll be happy to answer them, honestly too.

I love you all and I hope the person who asked this understands that it isn't true. The other assumptions were cleared up and minor but this one for some reason was asked multiple times.

Welp. Have a great night folks. Enjoy your evening or day. Whatever time it is I hope it's going good.

Anyway, ba bye everyone!


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