Chapter 3 - Morning Sadness

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I woke up to something warm wrapped around me. It was to hard to be my blanket and to soft to be my couch. I opened my eyes a little to see a warm arm wrapped around me. I was confused, not being able to remeber last night. I Pulled the arm off me and stretched looking at the owner of the arm. It was Santo.  I was wrapped in his blanket, finding my blanket on the floor. I guess I dropped it last night. He was still sleeping and he looked absolutely adorable. I couldn't help but smile as I put the blanket over him once more so I could go make breakfast.

Thirty minutes and an omelette in the pan later Santo got. He yawned a little and stretched, rubbing his eyes. I giggled a little almost forget about the food. He walked over to me smiling as he saw the food.

"Morning Rosie" He said. I smiled up at him holding out a plate for him. His eyes lit up instanlty obviously he loved food.

"Morning Santo" I said laughing at him as he dug into his food. He stuffed his mouth with food making his cheeks puff out. Why is it that everything he does is adorable? I giggled a little putting my own food on the plate and eating, much calmly might I add.

"You cook amazing" Santo told me after swallowing the huge amount of food he had in his mouth. I smiled at him continuing to eat. The quiet surronded us but again it was not awkward.

"So your mom isn't gonna be back for awhile, do you um want to go somewhere" he asked almost shyly. I blushed, it was almost like he was asking me out.

"Sure" I said trying to hide the blush.

Couple hours later, after Santo left to get cleaned up at his house and I was dressed and ready to go, my mother called informing me that she was going to stay one more day with Alex (Santo's Dad). I wished her luck and hung up just as Santo knocked on the door.

"Hey your mom is staying with my dad one more day so looks like I'm sleeping over." He said with that cute little smile on his face.

"Nice!" I said not being able to contain my excitement. He laughed at me walking into the living room just as the phone rang.

"I'll get it!" he yelled running to grab the phone. I rolled my eyes at him only then noticing how childish he can be sometimes.

"Hello?" He asked a little out of breath. I wondered who was on the phone because his smile dropped from his face and he looked serious and angry.

"How'd you get this number? Just leave me alone! You left to find your riches, you left your son saying he wan't enough. Now guess what, I learned it was the other way around." He said and hung up. He looked at me an apology in his eyes, the anger still burning though.

"Who was it?" I asked getting closer to him. He looked angry, sad, and annoyed. He looked ready to cry.

"It was my mother. She left me and my father a while back to find someone with money. Said I wasn't good enough to make her happy after I told her I could." Tears began to fall from his eyes as I hugged him. He sobbed into my shoulder as I held him close to me. I hated seeing him like this. He always looked so strong. I looked down at him and and the tears running down his cheeks, I vowed from this day forward to help him through whatever problem comes his way.


I got so into this chapter I was like nooooooooooo he's crying then wait I wrote it. I am an Idiot. Lol so I hoped you enjoyed reading it.


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