If Twice were jealous.
A/n: There'll be no scenario due to the fact that I'm literally sick and tired.
•You would know by the shape of her mouth.
•Her mouth literally says everything
•Even if she doesn't say anything at all.
•Her eyes would mostly say it
•But can hide it most of the time
•Although she does have a tendency to stress eat
•Can tell in an instant if she's jealous or not
•She's really bad at hiding emotions
•She cannot get out of an entire lecture again on how much you love her even if someone else is flirting with you.
•Would actually be possessive
•Will show you off to the person flirting with you.
•SkiNshIps for you
•She's an emotional person
•So she's get the wrong idea
•And leave or ignore it to cry about it somewhere.
•Death flare from hell
•No joke, her eyes burn through your soul
•But that's only in her mind.
•Wouldn't show that she's jealous
•But would stop showing affection
•That's how you would know if she's actually jealous or not.
•She would actually tell you if she's jealous
•Maybe even make a rap about it
•Think she's all cool but instead is a lil' baby
•Her eyes would give it away
•Although the rest of her face says