Chapter 4.

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Remember me saying that things I hate was for another chapter? Well guess what? Dis is dat chapter. O.O!! So let's start off with people. I don't hate all people....I hate some people because they are completely and utterly just dumb. I'm sure all of you are awesome, these people. Let me name some *WARNING* swearing ahead....creepy douche at your park. Like bro we know you like children, go masturbate to some porn okay? okay. That asshole that was up your ass on the highway....dude, we know your there. Get off my ass. Oops now I gave you the finger. Sorry not sorry. That one white kid who always tries to be know who you are with your dumbass rap music and your hiphop and your saggy pants like just stahp. The smartest kid in your class. You make us all feel like shit just go home and play some Jenga with your mom. Damn. Those are just a few examples of people I hate.....I also don't appreciate homophobic people. Don't come to me with that "Jesus said its a sin" shit. I'm a Christian and I believe I gay rights. You know why? Because gay people are awesome. If your gay I will automatically want you to love me just as much as I love you. Anyways this turned into more of a rant about stupid people.btw I also hate dark chocolate, diapers, the color brown, rootbeer, doing the laundry, spiders, fake spiders, fake ass bitches, showering (I do shower), and just some more stupid people. Anyways I love you guys and hope you like my "book" so far <3

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