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first "smutty" chapter i guess. also this is inspired by s.l.u.t by bea miller, i don't like her but this song is good.

"come on babe let's go."

Johnny called to Ten as they were running fast into their car. Johnny didn't even put on his seatbelt as the two sped off into the night. Ten had the brightest smile on his face as his breathing slowed. "well that was fun."

"we should crash parties more often you know," Johnny smiled at the younger. "yea we should," Ten leaned on Johnny and started tracing things on his thigh. "you think they'll find us?" Ten asked wondering if people from the party would follow. Johnny shrugged.

"why don't we go hide somewhere," Ten asked, suggesting they go somewhere private. Johnny nodded and made some turns til they reached the parking lot of a children's park. Ten's hand remained on the taller's thiccc thigh as he squeezed it a bit. Johnny smirking at the action as he pulled the others lips to his own.

their tongues wrestled each other as the atmosphere around them became hot. the older adjusted the seat so it was more flat as Ten pushed him down onto it. his fingers ran under Johnny's shirt and slid it off to reveal his tall body.

Ten pressed his lips to Johnny's again as his hips were grinding against the older's. Johnny's hands began slipping the others shirt off just like his own. the boys continued to have their lips smashed against each other's.

their bare chests were glued together until they adjusted their positions. Ten was underneath Johnny as the taller went for the male's neck. Johnny left one hickey underneath Ten's jawline, another on his collarbone, and more on his body as Ten was a moaning mess.

Johnny admired the dancers beauty in the little moonlight provided. oh did he love the male with all his heart. that night continued to be a heated battle for dominance as the two spent time together.

eventually Johnny pulled out of the parking lot and made his way back to the streets where the steer lights shined bright. "i assume your spending the night at my place," Johnny asked.

Ten looked at the latter, disappointed. "we just- yes of course i'm staying over tonight, dumbass," he teased his boyfriend. "and before you ask, yes we're ordering pizza from dominos."

Johnny pulled his car into the driveway, took out the key and made his was inside the house. the boys removed their shoes at the door as they hung their thin jackets. "imma call now for the pizza, go ahead upstairs."

Ten climbed the short flight of stairs until he reached his favorite room in the house. Johnny Seo's bedroom. Ten invited himself in and removed his clothes, wearing Johnny's instead.

he pulled out from the drawer, his favorite t-shirt of johnny's and slipped it over his tiny figured. as for pants, he simply removed them and wore a pair of short shorts, exposing his nice legs.

"pizza will be here soon," Johnny said walking in on Ten who was admiring himself in the mirror. "confident i see," Johnny raised an eyebrow. "baby, ever since you called yourself a panicked gay after our first date, i'm very very confident."

Ten sassed his boyfriend in a loving way, something Johnny was beyond used to at this point in their relationship. "yea explain why you made me panic, your like half my size," Johnny commented. "say goodbye to your kneecaps bitch."

Ten threw him at Johnny as the boys fell back onto the soft, wide bed. despite being surrounded by a light blue comforter, fluffy pillows and stuffed animals Ten still found a way to make enough room for Johnny's tall ass and his own to sleep.

Ten was laying on top of his boyfriend. he had his head pressed to the boy's heartbeat. "remember: your height is an advantage. you can hear my heart beat just for you." Johnny stated. Ten's head lifted to johnny's, he mumbled "romantic dork" and pecked Johnny's lips.

the doorbell rang about 10 minutes later and the two of the boys went to the living room, downstairs. "what do you wanna watch?" Johnny asked turning on the television. "whatever's in the recommended section on youtube," Ten responded.

"gaming youtubers it is," Johnny said sitting down with food in his lap. "gay," Ten said. "i have a feeling you'll like them, they're actually really funny," informed Johnny. "alright alright," Ten took a bite of pizza.

about 5 minutes into the videos the boys were watching Ten found himself wheezing hard. "baby your gonna choke, stop-"

Ten began to choke on his pizza.

after firm pats on the back, Ten was fine. "you okay?" Johnny questioned. "fuck. i love this video," Ten said brightly. "uh as long as your happy i guess ??" the other was baffled, "you sure your okay?" Ten nodded and continued to watch the vid.

that night the boys stayed up for many hours watching lots of gaming videos from those like swagger, smii7y, and mini ladd. the boys were a complete mess but in the best way of course. Johnny has to keep making sure his damn boyfriend wasn't dying and Ten couldn't thank him enough for introducing him to all the gaming vids. sometimes around 2:50 in the morning, Ten had fell asleep.

his head was back on the couch, chin up. Johnny turned of the tv and picked his other up bridal style. Ten began to wake up slightly due to the action, he was too tired to do anything about it so he let the boy take him to the light blue bed. Johnny placed him on the bed and covered them with his warm comforter. his body tangled with the younger's and let his eyes close.

"goodnight my love." Johnny mumbled in english. "goodnight slut." Ten sassed back in english. "rude," Johnny defended himself. "i'm kidding, goodnight love." both smiled.

this wasn't fully smut and i have been dead for 29492838$;$7/ years

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