Quirks of 1-C

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1-C's Quirk

Leon - Fire

He can set objects on fire but not living things though. He can snap his fingers to make all the fire he created to go out.

Togami - Stretchy Legs (Sorry not sorry)

He can make his legs longer and more flexible. The draw back is that both legs most share the same length at all times.

Ishimaru - Inlarge

He can make objects bigger by touching them with the palm of his hand. The object will be bigger for 2 minutes.

Makoto - Truth Bullet

He can force someone to tell the truth.

Chihiro - Electric Flow

He can flawlessly hack things by touching them with his middle finger.

Hifumi - Animate

He can make his drawing come to life for 1 minute. They must be 2 feet tall or under.

Mondo - Motor Transformation

Can turn parts of his body into parts of a motorcycle. The drawback is he only can transform three parts of the body into motor cycle parts at a time.

Hagekure - Future Glance

Can look into the future. More he is focused on the 'glance' more likely it will be correct.

Maizono - Magical Voice

She can make her voice as loud or soft as she wants it to be.

Aoi - Gills

She a great swimmer and can breathe under water.

Oogami - Super Strength

Celes - Grim Fire 

She makes a purple fire that can't burn anything that isn't living. It is pretty much a opposite of Leon's quirk.

Kyoko - Ink Eyes 

She can see finger prints, foot steps, dust etc. like anything else.

Toko - Scissor Arms

Can transform her arms into scissor blades.

BONUS: Since Junko and Mukuro will be later so I have a different kid instead

Ryota: Hope's Glance

If he touches someone, he makes them happy.

Danganronpa Cast gets Quirks and Meets the MHA castWhere stories live. Discover now