Chapter 03 Part 2 - Seatmate

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<Jane's POV> 

Our adviser entered the classroom. She checked our attendance and same as always, the two were late. I'm pertaining to Charles~~<3 and his bestfriend, Aldrinne. They're 10 minutes late! If Charles wasn't my crush, I'm definitely going to nag him about this because I'm Ms. Class President and they are my responsibility.

(=O=) *sigh*

Mrs. Sanchez: Okay class, stand up and gather at the far end of the room. I'm going to rearrange your sitting arrangement because I'm hoping it'll diminish the noise you are creating because even if I'm miles away I can still hear your noise!

Hah. as if being noisy can be helped. haha even if I'm the class president, I'm really talkative. Well, can I resist not chatting with my friends? Admit it, life's a booooring place without someone to talk with during lame subjects (i.e. Math >:D ) but in serious circumstances I'll discipline them, of course.

Our seats were rearranged. there are 4 seats per row which will be occupied by an alternate girl-boy-girl-boyarrangement. In our row there's Kaye (well, we're not really close friends) and two vacant seats. Oh, Rency! You're miles away now! What about our S-O-S match during Math time?! What about our endless talking session about our crushes? what about me? uwaaa..! (T____T)

Everyone became silent (as if someone turned off the volume) and something-- or rather somebody caught their attention. my eyes followed thedirection they are staring at. Then there by the door are two handsome boys. Aldrinne and.. CHARLES~~ it's then that I realized there are two vacant seats. one beside Kaye and onebeside me. Well, that means..Charles will be at either my side. KYAAAA~~ <3 

I'm sooo damn happy.. and nervous. (>///<)

And as if the volume was turned on again, the quiet atmosphere dissolved and back to the noisy room.

Mrs. Sanchez: Mr. Suarez, Mr. Alvarez, you two are late again!

Charles whispered something and they both snickered. hmmm..

Mrs. Sanchez: *clears throat* ehem. Mr. Alvarez, take your seat beside Ms. Mendoza and Mr. Suarez, sit beside Ms. Gomez.

oooh.. Lucky. He's my seatmate. Come here Charles beybeh~~ ^___^ <3

He's coolly walking towards ME---I mean towards his seat XD

OMG. this is it. *blush,blush* (>///<). My heart's beating twice its normal beat.

EPAL classmate #1: Why, Ms. President, you're blushing!

Shut.the.hell.up! binubuking mo ako eh! (Translation: You're making it waaay too obvious!) >__<

Another trivia about me: I easily blush that's why they call me tomato. I'm also conservative.Even if I like Charles a lot, still, I don't want it to be too obvious because just like what i said, I'm conservativeand I don't like to be the first to show motive. (Conservative o PAKIPOT? haha)

Charles sat down beside Kaye and me. He offered me a smile which I returned back. How I love those smiles.


Charles and I talked the whole day while constantly listening to the teacher. Like HELLOO?! i don't wanna miss important lessons just for my crush. I value my education more that L-O-V-E. (charot! ^__^) and besides, i have forever to spend with him (charot lang ulet. XD ) --i mean, I have a whole school year to spend with him duringvacant times sooo~~ I don't have to worry about our Q-U-A-L-I-T-Y time. (hahaha assuming! XD )


*A/N: For those who can't understand Filipino Language, "charot" means sommething like "Just Kidding". 

(Ano ba yan, dapat kasi nag-aaral na lang kayo mag tagalog eh! XD ) <-- if you can't understand, don't bother reading it. that's just the author's nonsense talks. hahah *


The seat at my other side moved. uhh.. are g-g-ghost going out in morning? I-I thought they only appear at night! 

*tremble~~tremble~~* uwaaa.. (>o<) I slowly turned around and.. oh, it's just Aldrinne. (Phew. I thought I'm gonnasee a bloody whitelady there.) I completely forgot about him. 

Me to Aldrinne: ^____^

Aldrinne: ¬___¬

<Aldrinne's hidden thoughts:>

\(^____^)/ yeah baby!! she smiled at me!


Epal na Author's note: kaya lang di alam ni Jane na ganyan reaction ni Aldrinne sa ngiti nya kase H-I-D-D-E-N thoughts nga diba? shunga lang mga ate, mga koyaa? hahha hinde.. joke lang. ^__^

Translation: Author's note : Jane doesn't know about Aldrinne's hidden reaction 'coz i just said HIDDEN. He hid this those

reaction underneath a poker-face mask. --> (¬___¬)


now.. baaack to Jane's POV!

ayy.. Snobish! I'm being friendly here and he'll just ignore me!? What the-- ARGGGH! RAWR! I swear I'll NEVER like him! EVER!

* But I never knew that fate will play a prank on me and make me eat my words in the end *


A/N: yeah, I know. I had a lot of author's note in this chapter. (soo what?! haha ^__^V ) but I just want to say...


*exhale* (please repeat 100x) hahaha

okay.. here it goes.. 

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© iLubCookieMonster_18

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