The End Of The Cycle

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There were 3 boys, two of which Zack and Nayyar were older (23) years and Rayaan(pronounced Ra-yaan) in his teenage (16). Running very fast in the alleyways and then into the fields it was sunset and they got away with a theft. Zack was a settler. His parents have left him in this country Andahaar. They left him him in the hands of a friend they knew, sadly he passed a year after.

They have made thiefery a side option to make some extra money. Well they arent very interested in other stuff where hard manual work is invovled but you got to do what necessary. They (all three) have different set of skills.. And were also very oppertunist and ambitious.

Nayar is 23 yrs. He is tall
And a good looking fellow but
Has a very bad luck in women
He have a good sense of humor and also a thirst for gold and women :).

He have this red wide mufler that he always wear and long brown hair(messy hair) he is very impressed by the skill of their younger friend's slight of hand or as Nayar like to call it "Magic". There is a special trait to him,he always comes up with the most unpredictable plan or solution that a normal person wouldnt have guessed it. And he is a good swordsmen but not as good as he claims himself to be.Which is best in the country.

Then there is Zack. He too is a very charming man, like Nayar he is also a very admirable swordsmen or we can say better than nayyar.
He have a very distinctive vibe to him, both appearance and attitude vise. He is a difficult person to understand sometime he is shy, while sometime he is the center of attention. All depends on his mood. With shinny white hair, a light red face and lots of rings on his fingers all fingers except the thumbs.
He is easily recognisable. He is a curious one.
The ambition to travel to vast corners of the sea and explore the world and what things it may be hiding.
Zack and Nayyar Both get along very
Well zack even lend Nayar money knowing He wont return it 'cant
Return'. A very kind and Generous man.

Last and the little his name is Rayaan he is 16. And is a master theif, his slight of hand is out of the question the best or atleast Nayar think he is. Dont go by his innocent face, he is a creepy one with a grim intentions all the time.
For example when his chicken didnt lay egg one morning he plucked out all its feathers as a punishment.
He lives with his only uncle who is drunk all the time.And Rayaan helps him with his farm and a Cattle.
The slight of hand trick he learned it from his uncle when he was normal(not drunk) but after his wife finds out about his love affair and his love  affairfinds  about his wife they both left him and he is alone since then and drunk.
Rayaan have an obsession with magic and always trying new things. One time he even sacrificed his chicken and poured its blood on a seal he drew on the ground hoping he would get real magic power but he didnt. Of course.

Location: Royal gardens
The general and other trusted soldiers were waiting for the king's arrival, given the gravity of the situation they have no option to mess it up.
The king arrives with his personal guard. "so whats your plan general?" king says.
General replies"your majesty we should avoid getting attention, and it should not be seen obvious while we escort such item of high significance, we have recieved intel on enemy spotting in the kingdom."
"very well then carry out as u deem it to be fit I'll leave this matter into your capable hands, now if you gentlemen would excuse me i have a meeting that need attending." The king leaves.
The general and the soldiers revised their plan.
They need the item to be safely escorted to the coast. The coast and the sorrounding area is considered to  be anti-king even in the higher ranks of army  there are some who have conflict with the crown.
So it was crucial for the plan to be kept secret for it to succeed. The item was to be delivered to a merchant ship, avoiding any unnecasary attention and suspision.

The soldiers were dressed as normal people (civil and not too fancy) and both given a pouch which was tied around their waist, but one of them have the item in it.
The item characteristics where only known to the king and the general the soldiers werent aware of what they were carrying.
The route that was set for the coast was not direct but rather a more complicated one and to reach the coast safely the soldiers have to go through the outskirt villages it was a long way to coast and with the additional complications the route was to be completed in 4-5 hours minimum.
This is the rough map of Andahaar and the route that the soldiers will take(red).

So the soldiers started their journey at noon, carrying the course as they were told

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So the soldiers started their journey at noon, carrying the course as they were told.

Location: Tenkya village
Nayyar and Rayaan where at the market, Rayyan taking his uncle's cow's milk to the market then selling it to the shopkeeper at the decided rate and Nayyar goofing around with his sword in the armory shop he works in.
They both met each other every day at market as the milk shop was near the armory shop.
They were of course friends so Nayyar took off from the shop quitly so that the owner doesnt notice and then catches up with rayan.
Nayyar panting due to the running he puts his hand firmly on Rayaan shoulder and say "so whats the plan"
Rayyan being bossy "didnt u hear it yesterday? , do u even know your role??"
Nayyar "ofcourse i know"
" wait on ur position"said Rayaan.
"he's always late" nayyar mumbled. And then Zack showed up.
Both Nayyar and zack knew what to do. And this time it was different type of distraction.
Zack walked toward Nayyar and nayyar walked towards him. Both shook their head. And started.

Both tackled each other and started a fight in the middle of Tenkya village market they both drawn their swords and the fight was  on and intense because they both were good swordsmen the crowd seem to like their fight rather then to interfere and break them off.
The crowd started chanting  sorrounding them and creating a circle.

It all escelated so quick that even bets were going on them.
Meanwhile Rayyan was busy pickpocketing people who were distracted by the fight.
Due to his cat like paws and slight of hand he got away with it..

The royal soldiers
As they were making their way to the Tenkya village they saw a crowd of people in the middle of the market.

At first they tried to avoid it but curiosity took the best of them. They went in to check whats all this fuss is about.
The one soldier even started shouting  to the boys saying "SWOOORDDS FIGHTTT YEAAAAHH KILL THATT BASTAARRDD HAHAHAHA.".
The other one getting a grasp of him and said "come along then lets deliver this.. Comeee.."
they passed through the crowed difficultly and headed to the coast. They were tired and hungry didnt notice that something was missing.

Rayaan gave a signal to stop the fight.

Nayyar looked at Zack started saying "What were we fighting about?" of course they knew it was distraction but to play it out Nayyar added a twist :)

crowd got quite, waiting for reply 
Zack said "I dnt know".
Crowd got confused some of them  in crowd said to them "he punched u.".
. "No no he stole ur money".
The guy in back said "he called u asshole I heard him I swear".
after all the fight theories Nayyar and Zack decided to get going and left on an empty note and the bets were off. Crowed was dissapointed.
Nayyar, Zack and Rayaan regrouped and went to Rayaan's uncle barn.

Rayan took off the bag from his shoulder it seemed pretty full.
Zack and Nayyar were so suprised that their mouths were wide open as if they found SAMANDAR( a mythical sword).

In the bag there were hand full of silver coins, two beautifuly crafted knifes, 2 rings, a chicken of which Rayaan snaped his neck as he stoled in the noisy situation. And a mysterious small hand sized box.

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