Drop Gone Wrong

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The sun was almost set and the king and General were anxious as to what was happened of the plan because there was no signal from the far sea(a flare to be releazed if the drop was made).

The Two Brave hungary tired dumb Soldiers.
As they reached the coast and as the General described a Ship captain will aproach you and  will ask  you for items give them the flaire and the box and you both head back.
Everything was going according to plan. The captain approached (very weird looking fellow long black hair black hat and a high collar long coat) couldnt see his face clear and his two ripped and huge crew members and asked for the items.
The brave soldiers were frightend as they have seen a monsters and mumbling and whispering to each other  showering in fear "are they Shodagan" said the fat one
"shut up you are gonna make us killed give them the box." the other one shouted while whispering. :)
" ok ok here you go sirrrr.." in a frightened voice
"wait what.,where is it"
the other one said" oh my good what have you done".
the two bodyguards came and hit them on their head and were knocked out.. The captain fired the flaire but not the one which the king was expecting to see.

Drop gone wrong

Royal castle: Army cammand station

King and the General were extremly furious and worried about what happened.
A soldier scout returns with information. "A merchant ship was attacked by pirates, they killed all the crew but stole nothing." soldier sounded confused.
The Major asked "where did this happened." also confused
he replies "by the side of port but it was away from our port boundries divided by the mountain between. "
"what was it doing there" Major mumbled.
King aware of the situation, He knew that they wer'nt pirates and the king obviously assumed from the situation that the item was in Shodagan's custody. A complete opposite to what King was planing for.
He knew if he have to do something it should be done soon.

Tenkya village

Zack, Nayyar and Rayaan were sitting exploring their loot and dividing with each exept the rings.
The rings belongs to Zack if not you'r gonna fight for it. He loves rings and knows his stones.
After all the fighting and shouting and talking and dividing Rayaan put the box one the table.
It was a fancy box and ofcourse it was because it had the Royal State's capital Andahaar brand on it.
They knew it was something serios and Rayaan didn't remember anyone royal in that crowd which it  might belongs to. They were really Exited to what will be inside the box.
Nayyar rushed it and broke the seal and opened the box.
After opening the box there was utter disappointment on their faces.
Zack "well You can take this Nayyar, I have one and its working fine unlike this one."
Rayyan "it looks cool and shinny but I dont want it, Not intrestedd."
Nayyar took it out of the box, hold it in his hand and tap it to make it work and sadly it didnt *sigh* .
"I guess I'll take it, sell it for some silver coins. Why would a Royal capital deliver a broken COMPASS to someone, they cant even fix their own compasses, God this state is useless." saying in despair, ruining their excitment.

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