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Royal Coast
His Majesty the king have arrived to the coast at  the next day noon after the incident of the missing box have happened.
The king also saw the flare which the Shodagan fired for clearing the intention that they are not joking around.
King arrived at the dock in a very extravagant chariot with hundreds of armed solders with swords and rifles( Muskets). The king JREDAL SEDRIT the fourth boarded his ship he was very quiet throughout the way from royal gardens to the royal coast.

He has his most trusted man on his side Yarmak who is a very skilled warrior and have both the brain and brawns, He is second in command to the Army after the General and also have several heroic battles in which he prevails and many sings songs of his bravery..

In the docks there was quite a fuss around, some due to the mass genocide of the merchant ship and some of it members were dead . The other reason for the crowd was that the king was here and as we know many people doesnt agree with his uprise to rule.

So basically its both a protest and a crime sight.
The king immediatly boarded his ship and went into his own personal quarters where no one was allowed to enter except Yarmak.
Yarmak lead the ship as its temporary captain and sailed toward the west.

The king ship name was Queen it is a huge ship boarded by almost 500 men. Cannons at both sides and also at front a flaming harpoon launcher or also referred to as instant death. A direct hit to a ship from this harpoon will make  a ship unable to function and drown with flames on.

This ship is recognized and feared by many as it flaming yellow sails with the king's symbol on it is seen.
A ship to defeat a fleet of ships. One ship army.

King's personal Suite
The king is very confused with how did the plan went astray, everything was calculated, the only thought that king was confused with was that how did the Shodagan knew the drop sight and the time.
It was as if they have planned for this. But one thing king got worried about, who was the rat who sold him out.

The ship Queen drift away from the boundries of the royal kingdom Andahaar and entered restricted zones,

The thing about restriced zones is that at some point ur gonna face some problems it can be either  an enemy territory, strong wind, pirates,rain storm, high tides, rocks, and if you want to beleive old legends the more wander off the crazier the stories become.
But one thing is for certain, the deeper you go the slim are your chances to survive and thats not a story moral.

Some who have claimed to have seen the end of the ocean were branded Liars because to what they said they've seen sounds absurd and impossible.

Tenkya village
It was early morning, sunny as usual and also everybody was getting up early to prepare for the fish catching event, which happens after every 4 to 5 months.
The locals called it the cash-fish, in this time of the year the fishes of every kind makes their way into the neighboring waters of the island in search for food, the locals throw food which is excesive into the waters a week before the event so that they can draw them near and on the other morning the hunt begins.

In this event a person who catches the most fish recieves a 200 silver coins  reward and also  he  has his fish to sell. Everyone who catches fish can cash them immediatly due to the wealthy merchants from accross nation and friendly ally nations are gathered to profit from it.
So its a win win. No need to travel to market and wait for the stock to sell. Everybody tries to make best of it.

Zack just woke up. Yaawninggg. And suddenly a snap. "holyy shit its cash-fish today i need go"
he is in such a rush, running around the room picking things and droping he wore his clothes,
took all the neccessary stuff and went along.
"hey Nayyar I am going to cash-fish, tell Rayaan at the market to come before sundown and also you too we're gonna have fun" said Zack in a hurry.
Nayyar sleeping oddly in the corner in the same room said "SHUTTT THE DOOR".
Zack  went  to  the  beach side and started slamming door of the guys that worked with him on the fishing ship and shouted "WAKE UP YOU FOOLS ITS CASH-FISH".
Zack standing outside listening to voices inside it was quite a rumble, cracking, falling, plates breaking and after a while they came out and were good to go. These two young men helps Zack with his ship and catching the fish.

As they made their way to the sea there was quite a crowd this time and it was due to the buying commite has set another 200 silver coins to the fisherman who will catch Emperer angel fish, a very rare fish. Hearing this zack got even more excited

The event was about to start the sun was just rising from the mountain tops. It was a windy day at the coast. There was a peremeter set to how much further can ships go for fishing. After that parameter the territory of Andahar ends.
To start of the competition the MVP of the event, the richest merchant Gareth biscon said "may the wind goddess (hawaa) serve u all well.BEGINN".

A religion of the islands, well in many of the islands. People of this religion serve the goddess name HAWAA. The followers practice different rituals to let the wind be on their favours which include lightning up one of their ships sails. While on land some people fast, not eating or drinking for a full day just breathing the wind.. The monks in the WIND TEMPLE have said to have not eaten or drank anything for years. Some say they can levitate... Well thats what people say and people lie..

The event has started. All the contestant dropped the sails of their ships and some rowing to midst of where they ought to catch a buckload of fish, this scene is a delight to eyes, in a blue ocean and clear sky, seagul singing and wind howling, lots of different colour of ships and boats in the sea full of energy contesting to catch fishes.

Unfortunately Zack was behind from the first layer of ships which were very agile and fast and the funny thing was the more time passed the more further they got.
Some resorted them selves to the shores to catch easy fish small quantity and some went in like the normal days, and some were eager to find angler fish so they were in boats and then diving deep to spot it.
Zack dropped the nets, there were alot of fishes at this time the year. Zack and his two man crew Atlit and Baltit were working tirelessly and unloading the fish from net to ship. They also caught fish but not as much as the first rally comming from hub of fishes. They were fully loaded ready to go back and unload and return for the second trip.

Zack looked at them in sadness and jealousy, they were fully loaded with lots of different sizes of fishes. Zack really needed that prize money so that he can one day buy a big ship and can travel through the grim sea.
While he was staring at the returning ships he decided to go deep. He started his course to the west which led to the end of the territory of Andahaar. But there were more fish due to no fishing there.
Zack got greedy and went even more the crew members also didn't say anything because the more fish they catch the more commission they have
and thats when things got nasty.

Suddenly the sky changed its colour, it was dark and cold, wind breezed the wind got stronger eventually changing the couse of the ship toppling it here and there and tides ramming the ship hard and with wind rain made it even worse. It went on for about an hour and then the weather calmed down. When everything was clear.
They looked around and couldnt recognize where they were.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2018 ⏰

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