Chapter Seven

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"How long until she wakes up?"

"I don't know. Soon. The poison got too close to her brain, I don't know what kind of damage it caused"

"Or if it caused any damage at all."


"Come on, you guys all remember how we got our –er- specialties. We were all stung with the Bots poison before we got them"

"That doesn't mean that it's not harmful. We've seen what happens when the poison reaches the brain"

"Well you'd have to be really dumb to let it get to your brain"

There was a quick moment of silence.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that Harley"

"Whatever. It doesn't matter. What matters is figuring out how to get home"

"It would be easier to get home if we had someone to tell us where the entrance is"

"You can't always have what you want Zeke. Sometimes we just have to take things as they come"

"Yeah well things aren't coming so we have to make them. Sitting around with sticks up our asses won't help us do anything, we need to find the entrance"

"Then do tell us, Zeke, how do we find that?"

"Obviously we ask this one here. She has to know something"

"What makes you say that?"

"Considering her older brother had old words written on his computer. Old words with translations. We've been working on finding those translations for ages and this random guy had them the entire time"

"We don't know what for sure"

"We never know anything for sure"

Rosie groaned. The conversation seemed to be more like an argument than a conversation. She wanted to open her eyes, but they wouldn't open. She heard the people around her quiet down and someone shuffled over to her.


Rosie groaned again at the sound of her name. Honestly? She was tired, her arm had a dull sting in it, her head pounded and her chest hurt from the rubble of the explosion. All in all, she felt like someone was beating her over with a hammer.

"Come on Rosie, you have to wake up"

Rosie groaned again, but never the less, she opened her eyes. Though this took a great amount of struggle. Giving herself a moment to get used to the light of the room she was in, Rosie saw that the three people she had heard talking were Miles, Harley, and Zeke. She looked around and saw that she was in a room that she didn't know, which meant that everything Rosie had thought she had dreamed, actually happened. Which meant that her parents weren't her parents anymore, they were monsters. Bots.

Miles seemed to notice the look on Rosie's face and nodded at her, confirming her thoughts. This only made Rosie a little bit sadder. She would never be able to go back home would she? She would never be able to see her parents again.

"What-" Rosie started, but the words were lost in a heaving cough.

"Careful" Harley warned her "you took a hard blow to the chest, you might feel some discomfort, despite the healing I did"

"Healing?" Rosie wheezed.

"We have a lot to explain to you Rosie, we realize that. But can you please lie down and stay still?" Miles asked her.

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