I need her

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Ethans POV
As I stare into the ceiling wondering why she just can't be mine I think of what I could do to get my mind off her but I just can't she's to precious just to forget. I try to close my eyes to go to bed but thoughts of her just keep running through my mind. I need to get her off my head but I don't know how.
It's four in the morning and I need to see her..
I get onto my phone and scroll through my contacts till I see the name "Anna" I click on the contact and then click call. One call no answer. Two call no answer. Three call no answer. When I call the forth time it rang three times before I hear a tired yet angry voice say Ethan why the fuck do you keep calling me it's four in the morning! I quickly reply with Because I'm bored and I want to do something Anna being the smart ass she is reply's with shouldn't you be sleeping? Although I should be sleeping I can't because the thoughts of her I need to see her so I tell her I'll be at your place in ten minutes be outside waiting I can her the annoyance in her voice as she says ugh okay  though the phone. 
I grab a sweatshirt and put it on sneak down stairs, grab my keys and take off to Anna's house.  
As I arrive to Anna's house I see that only her car is in the drive way so her parent must be away I get out of my car and before I could knock the door creaks open and I see her beautiful face she was always so beautiful when she was tired.
Before I could say anything I hear Anna say I shouldn't let you in but I'm going to be nice for once and let you in she let out a little chuckle at the end that was so cute and I just wanted to be able to call her mine but I can't let her know I'm into her because we are just friends and I'm not the kind of guy that is just into girls for no other reason than sex but Anna is different Anna is special and I can't ruin what we have now. So I quickly just say I don't want to come in with a slight chuckle as I scratch the back of my neck. I'm caught off guard when I hear Anna with all the annoyance possible say then why are you here as she rolled her eyes and turn around to go inside I say wait actually I'll come in because I forgot we have school in a few hours but I came here to get you so we could go do something but we have school tomorrow Anna then says well find something to do because I'm going to back to bed I only wanted stay up with her so I say nooo stay up with me I fake a pouty face at her and she replies with whyyy I need my beauty sleep I can tell that she is super tired and actually just wants to go to sleep but I need these thoughts gone I leave out a laugh and say you can put make up on I feel a light sting in my arm because she slapped me and said I don't own any makeup you know I don't wear it with a laugh I tell her  just to go back to be and she tells me that she is up now I ask her if she has any food because I'm hungry and she yells from the living room as I walk to the kitchen and says there is pizza in the fridge but just bring the box out here because my fat ass is hungry too i just yell back okay and when I get back to the living room I ask where all her family is and she tells me her parents are on a work trip all summer and her sister Gracie is on vacation with her friends and her oldest Bella is in college I have always joked and said that her oldest sister was hot so when she says about Bella I say oh yeah she's fucking hot I'd smash i  give her a smirk before letting out a laugh she's then says your such a fuckboy, I swear your hooking up with someone new everyday haha plus you can't smash my sister because she's engaged I then respond with so I have to keep myself entertained somehow and he doesn't have to know she then responds with omg as she shakes her head. I realized that it was already past time to get ready for school and I jump up and say shit we are goinot ng to be late for school as I'm opening the door Anna says let's just skip in confusion I say really miss.straight A student wants to skip that's a first Anna gets salty and tells me to shut the fuck up so I do so

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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