I: The Other Side of Paradise

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A gun in her face wasn't something she encountered very often. Yet, here she was, a gun leveled with her forehead, a hard-looking man with an itchy trigger finger standing behind it. "You showed up at the wrong time, girly," the man hissed out harshly, his eyes narrowed into a hard glare, his teeth gritting shut and his stance that of someone about to kill because they were so angry.

Her eyes caught his as she raised her hands cautiously, her gaze flickering to the dead man on the concrete, his blood slowly pooling around him. "Did you hear me, girl?!" the man snarled, annoyance dripping into his sharp voice, as he jutted the gun closer to her. She replied with a bored expression, no longer having to stifle the instinct to flinch away.

"Pull the damn trigger. It's so damn annoying to have to listen to your threatening voice," she retorted, rolling her eyes as the man flinched from the tantalizing insult. She flickered her eyes back to his face, immediately picking up on the 'how dare she' expression written in his gaze and she merely shrugged, knowing but not caring that she was bruising this man's ego. "Well?" she prodded, gesturing to the gun placed between her eyebrows. "Do it." To push even farther, she stepped closer, the gun brushing against her skin but nothing happened. Sucking in air through her teeth, Jae forced the gun out of his hand by jamming the L part of her hand into his throat before yanking the gun from his grasp.

"H-how the fuck-" he started but she simply shook her head, the gun now pointed at him. As he stood there, staring in shock at her, she got a good look at the tattooed snake that wrapped around his neck and spread to the left side of his head, giving her a dead give away to who he ran with. Jaded Snakes, cruel men that only chased after money and drug dealing and using children as pawns instead of themselves.

Rubbing the bridge of her nose in frustration, Jae groaned quietly. Why the hell did she always have to deal with the shitty gangs?

"When I tell you to shoot me, do it," she snapped, glaring at the man before her as her hand dropped to her side and gestured to the dead body laying face down on the ground. "You didn't hesitate to kill him and I, a bystander, am a still breathing witness to a murder and yet you didn't kill me. How does this make any sense?" She felt a sudden urge to strangle some common sense into this man but she simply shook her head. This was a huge waste of her time.

Without hesitation, she pulled the trigger and watched as the Jaded Snakes member fell to the ground, clutching his gushing chest with a pained look in his pale face. "Not such a big talker now, are we?" she muttered as she knelt down in front of him, watching him carefully. She hated pointlessly killing, but sometimes, to get rid of the toxicity of bad people, one had to become a killer. Standing up, she kept her gaze on him, her eyes gentler than before. "Tell me how the other side of paradise is, okay?" she murmured softly as she shoved the gun into the back of jeans, having given it plenty of time to cool down from the trigger being pulled. At least now, she could go to work with one last thing on her mind.


"Jae." A voice over her shoulder caught her attention, causing her to look at her boss who stood behind the cafe's counter. The older woman eyed the entrance door as seven men walked inside. Sighing heavily, Jae stood up and moved to the podium, grabbing seven menus and seven sets of silverware.

"Just the seven of you?" she asked as she shook her pink and purple ombre hair from her eyes, an annoyed glare bright in her gaze at being pulled away from the project she was working on because of more work. Shifting her weight from her left foot to her right, she waited for their answer.

One of the seven men, a guy with a blond undercut, looked at her and finally responded with a bob of his head. "Yeah, just seven of us," he confirmed and Jae sighed in relief, glad that she didn't have to greet any more customers. Turning on her heels, she led them to an eight-seat round corner table and let them get settled before handing out everything she had grabbed. When finished, she returned to her booth two tables in front of them and continued her project, wrapping silverware in napkins.

"In other news, Gustov King, one of the Jaded Snakes gang members, has been found dead along with Angelo Ricks, the owner of The Corner restaurant, in an alleyway off of 75th and Colt. Witnesses claim seeing a girl walking away from the scene. Witnesses claim that she had purple hair but it was hard to get a good look because of her hat because it covered the rest of her features. It has yet to be determined if she was the killer or a surviving witness to the crime which had occurred," a news reporter stated from the TV hanging above the glass doors by the entrance. Jae found herself listening in as she looked towards her boss who, at the moment, had her finger on the volume button, her eyes drawn to the screen.

"Tch, this killer is doing a better job at killing gang members than the cops are at catching them," Mrs. Woo muttered to herself as she sat the remote back down and continued drying cups. Jae stifled a chuckle as she shook her head, keeping it down even though she secretly agreed with the accuracy.

"So, what are we going to do about this person killing crime affiliated members?" one of the men behind Jae asked quietly. She barely jumped when she heard him speak, having almost forgotten she had customers inside the cafe to assist. Yet, she was glad that she hadn't sat too far ahead of them.

"Whoever they are, they have an amazing skill," another complimented and it took everything in Jae's will-power to not turn around and thank them. Still, her ego was being boosted and she quite enjoyed it.

"I'm just surprised they haven't gotten caught yet," another calmly chimed in and Jae rolled her eyes. She may have left some witnesses but she wasn't a complete idiot.

"Yeah, it's because the cops are shi-" she muttered quietly before hearing a familiar voice that she couldn't quite remember. "It's the girl. I just got this feeling."

Tossing all the finished folded silverware into a bin, Jae stood up and walked over to the circle of men, pulling out a small notepad and pen. "Have you decided what you would like to drink?" she asked, almost bitter-sweetly, and six of the seven men asked for coffee while the other guy, one with ash-blond hair and a deep voice, asked for a hot chocolate. He would've been almost cute if he hadn't been running with the six men who were now questioning her motives for killing gang members. After walking behind the counter to prepare the coffees and hot chocolate, Jae returned to the table and set down their drinks before grabbing the bin she had left on the booth, bringing it back to the counter. Feeling her thigh vibrate, Jae stopped what she was doing and fished her phone from her pocket, glancing at the caller ID before swiping to answer it.

"Hey Hoon. What's up? I'm at work, why?" she asked and tilted her head after the caller questioned where she was currently at.

"I've got another mission for us. It's a man named Jung Lee. Apparently, he's stealing money from his company and has been using it to sell big buck drugs at a warehouse written under his alias name. The Mafia ain't too happy about it but they still haven't done much about it. Wanna do the job?" Hoon, her older brother, asked and Jae grinned secretly as she put on a sad mask, starting the water works.

"Of course. I understand... I'll see you in a few minutes," she sighed, hanging up the phone. Spinning around, she chewed on her lip pathetically as she looked up at her boss. "Mrs. Woo..." she whined, mentally cringing as she rocked back and forth on her heels slightly, catching both the attention of the seven men and her boss. "M-my uncle is in the hospital... H-he was in a car crash a-and-" She broke down crying, knowing that it would be a great touch on her little performance.

Mrs. Woo looked at her with sympathetic eyes before basically pushing Jae out from behind the counter as gently as she could. "Oh geez, dear. Go see him. Gather your things and go to him. I got your shift covered," she shooed gently as she steered Jae towards the changing room. Bowing slightly, Jae walked into the back of the room, changing from her uniform back to her street clothes, slipping the automatic pistol back under her shirt and against her back.

Upon gathering all the pathetic-ness once more, she walked out in a sulking manner. She hadn't noticed but one of the boy's attention was caught by the gun being barely visible under her shirt as they watched her walk towards the door. They continued to watch as she left the cafe and got into the passenger's seat of a car that took off in the opposite direction from where the hospital was.


Stay healthy, stay safe, stay awesome.

- Romeo

Rebel {Mafia au} - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now