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It's been three months without Lucas or Paul, and Maya seemed fine. She was still doing alright at school, her and her relationships were going great, and everything seemed okay.

Still, something had been bugging her that she couldn't seem to understand. While Lucas was of, fighting for his country, Maya was at home trying her best not to ask to fight along with him.

Don't get me wrong, Maya didn't have a death wish, in fact, fighting was the one thing Maya didn't want to do. Yet there was a little voice inside her that yearned to help in any way possible.

School ends in one week, meaning the Maya would be free to do what she wanted. Go to college, visit around the country, heck, she could go all the way to France if she really wanted to!

You see, all the boys who got drafted graduated early, so technically Lucas did graduate. So if Maya chose to go to school, Lucas could come right along with her.

But the idea of that didn't satisfy her. Maya wanted something that could sooth the thought of Lucas being gone, while also having the idea that Maya is helping her beloved.


Sleeping wasn't really an option anymore, Maya would stay up all night trying to figure out what the hell is going on inside her mind.

Then, one night, she got it. Maya Hart was going to become a nurse for the military.

I mean, it's not like they didn't need it, the military needed all the help they could get. After Pearl Harbor, higher powers realized just how valuable having women is.

So, once Maya graduated, she was going to become a nurse in hopes of assisting America in winning the war so it can end. It sounds selfish, but desperate times call for desperate measures. And Maya was desperate to get her Lucas back.


While Maya was debating whether to help, Lucas in there other hand, was forced to. Everyone at school always talked about how brutal the trenches in Europe were, but nothing could compare to this!

Men were getting shot left and right, some from the enemies bullets, some from their own. Others were trying their best to keep their sanity, it's hard when you're forced to kill. Meanwhile, Lucas himself was attempting to keep himself alive.

He wrote Maya, every damn day. He also fought, every damn day. It was a continuous loop of hardship, Lucas didn't know if he could keep this up for much longer. There's a difference between watching something in TV or listening to it on the radio, then actually being there, experiencing it for yourself.

The only reason Lucas stayed decent was because if Maya. He kept a photo locked in his uniform, making sure he had it on him every single day. That one photo and the countless letters help him to stay calm and know that he has a reason to keep fighting.

Alright, I know that this is a really, really, really short chapter, but I'm kind of having writer's block. I know where I want to go with this story, I just don't know how to exactly get there. The good news is my schedule cleared up dramatically, so I'll have more free time to try and write. Sorry again, but I'll post again soon. (Hopefully)

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