Chapter 9.5: God damn it, Tony

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I sat on a piece of furniture, sipping on a drink Tony made for me. I wasn't much a social butterfly and the party scene wasn't really my thing. I looked up to see many people talking to each other. Rhodey was talking about his 'War Machine' story that wasn't so interesting. I sighed in content, enjoying the silence I had by myself. "What is a pretty dame like yourself all alone?" I see Steve walk up to me, and I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm just waiting for my husband to come home from the war." I spoke softly. He gave me a sad smile. I patted the seat next to me, letting him sit with me. "I'm trying my best to find him, Blaire. Sam and I..." He paused. "I know Steve. It's hard on the both of us. Even though you knew him longer, for christ sake, I'm married to him." He chuckled. "What's so funny, Cap?" He just shook his head. "It's just that Bucky was never one to settle down but you change that for him. He would not stop talking about you. It drove me mad sometimes."

People soon started to leave which just left the team. We all talked, laughing at something Tony said. "It's a trick!" Barton yelled referring to Thor's hammer. "Oh no, it's much more than that." I laughed, saying, "Uh, "Whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power!" Whatever man! It's a trick." "Well please, be my guest." Clint stood up and wrapped his hand on the handle. His face turned red and a few veins popping up. One after another, everyone took turns trying to pick up the hammer. "Come on. Blaire try it out." I sighed, standing up. I stood on the table and put my hand through the wrist wrap. I pulled on it and immediately fell back. I thought it was heavier. Thor's eyes bulged out of his sockets, "So when can I go to Asgaard?" I spoke, setting it back down. A loud screeching sound was heard causing everyone to cover their ears. "Worthy....No..... How could you be worthy? You're all killers." "Stark." Steve said, getting closer to me. "JARVIS." I put my hands behind my back, knowing my hues were appearing. "I'm sorry I was asleep.. Or was I dreaming?"

The robot looked around and I felt something was about to happen. My skin ran cold, leaving me in a state of mid-formation. Tony tapped on his device, "Reboot, Legionnaire OS, we got a buggy suit." I began walking by Agent Hill. She cocked her gun back and I felt myself slowly transform. My hair turned into a silver, white-ish. My eyes altered from my original green ones to an icy blue. "You killed someone?" We all stood still not knowing what was going to happen. My ears began to ring, causing me to slouch over in pain. Agent Hill saw me and I waved her off. "What mission?" Nat said. "Peace in our time." Suddenly Iron Legion bots burst through the walls, I sent a shockwave to one and it fell to the ground. Steve cutting off its head with his shield. I opened up a portal, seeing Dr. Cho hiding behind a piano. "걱정마. 내가 잡았어!" ("Don't worry. I got you!") She hid under the piano and I ripped off the head of the Iron Legion.

"Steve!" I yell as he takes out the last Iron legion. "That was dramatic! I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to...evolve?" Ultron grabbed one of the dismembered Iron Legions, "With these? These puppets? There's only one path to peace: The Avengers' extinction." Thor threw his hammer and smashed Ultron into little pieces. I let my guard down, my hair normalizing itself back to its brown color. My nose began to bleed. I helped Dr. Cho up, "Are you okay?" She asked, looking at me with concern. "Yeah,,, just a bit dizzy." I felt myself almost fall, I caught onto the piano. Dr. Cho put her arm around my waist and tried to carry me. "Steve." I said, inaudibly. He immediately turned to see Dr. Cho trying to hold me up. He ran to me and picked me up. "I'm taking Blaire to the infirmary. We'll meet up in the morning."

He walked out of the corridor and down the maze-like halls, finally to my room. I didn't question why he didn't take me to the infirmary since I was tired. "You know, I promised Bucky that I would take care of you, if he never made it out." He spoke softly, laying me down my bed. "I also promised him that if anything had happened to you, I would take the blame for it. I hate seeing you get hurt like this." I smiled softly. "Steve, I'm fine. This happens every time we have to fight and I get back to normal." He sighed, getting up. "I have the letters from Bucky if you ever want to read them. Y'know to help you sleep at night. I know you don't sleep well since you are always worrying where he is." I spoke a muffled 'thank you' to him as I tucked myself in. "Fill me in on the mayhem that might occur." He chuckled lightly.

"Will do, Styx."

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