Time flies

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Violets pov:
It's been almost two weeks since we last seen Trixie, we're all getting really worried, especially Katya since she hasn't been returning any of her texts or calls. Now that I think about it she hasn't responded to any of our texts at all, even Trixies teachers are concerned since she always makes it to class. "Do you guys think we should go to her house and see if she's ok?" Fame said as she stirred her tea a bit. "I don't know, she never invites us to her house and always gets nervous when we bring it up" pearl shrugged as she kicked her feet up on the table. "I say we at least see if she's there...I'm really worried about her..." Katya looked at us sadly. She wasn't herself without Trixie. She's been depressed and having more anxiety attacks recently. "I mean, it's worth a shot, if she's in there we can try and talk to her" everyone nodded and headed to Trixies house. Luckily Katya knew the way since she's dropped her off at her house before. We finally arrived and we were surprised at the way her house looked. We expected a beautiful comfy house and Trixies bedroom would be like a Barbie dolls dream house room. But instead it was a run down almost abandoned like one story that looked horrible. We peeked in through the windows to try and see if there was any sign of Trixie or at least someone, but the glass was too dirty to even see a reflection. "How about we try through the back? There's got to be a window open somewhere" Katya headed into the backyard, the grass was overgrown and rusty tools laid around everywhere. I had to be careful not to trip or I would probably land face first on a rusty nail or something. Eventually we found an open window and we all climbed through it. We looked around to see what kinda room we were in. The walls were peeling of pink wallpaper, the vanity was old with paint chipping and looked like it was going to break soon. The bed was mostly decent but it was only a mattress and a thin pink sheet. Then it hit me, this is Trixies room duh. I looked around for a bit and I noticed a strange stain on the floor, I pointed it out to pearl and we both looked at it for a while. "What is it...it looks gross.." I scrunched my nose up in disgust looking at it more. "I don't mean to alarm you..but it kinda looks like dried blood..." I gasped and quickly stood up walking out of the room. I don't fuck with blood that's disgusting, girl I don't know who's that is or where it came from. We walked around more and were about to give up cause it seemed like no one was home. "We checked every room Katya, face it no ones here.." Fame looked at katya who was desperate to find anything. "We haven't checked the front rooms or the kitchen yet, cmon there has to be something..." she walked into the kitchen with fame as we went into the dining room. "This place is a dump...no wonder she doesn't want us over...she's probably embarrassed..." I nodded at pearl looking at the broken table that was barely standing. I carefully stepped over a shattered glass as I heard a scream from the living room. We all panicked and ran in wondering what the hell happened. "Katya what the fuck! Someone might hear us!!" Pearl stormed in obviously pissed if she found out it wasn't anything. "Um kat...are you ok...what even are you looking at.." we all looked at katya confused cause she was frozen in place turning pale. She slowly turned to us shaking and on the edge of crying. "I-I-I found Trixie..." we all looked at her shocked before she pointed to something in front of the couch. When I saw what it was I nearly fucking fainted. There lying on the floor was Trixie, pale and looked lifeless lying in her own pool of dried blood. I.nearly.pissed.myself. "What are you guys fucking waiting for?! Grab her and let's get out of here to get her help damnit!!" I screamed as everyone snapped out of their shocked states. I managed to open the door as Katya picked Trixie up and rushed out. I don't know what the fuck happened or how the fuck happened but all that mattered now is to know if Trixie is even alive or not...

You found me. Trixya female AUWhere stories live. Discover now