After a while auggie decide to go hangout with Ava alone what that mean I have no idea I then hear the howl we all hoped we would never hear Kermit basically everyone knew who it was he was only 10 miles away we all have excellent hearing and smell I get up and grab auggie and Ava we all had a protocol when this happend we would make a run for it maya started sprinting along with me and everyone else in our group I held onto auggie and Ava so tightly there feet started hurting after about 5 miles I turn into my wolf form and let them hop on we sprinted and wouldn't stop we finnaly made a place for the night maya heard auggie we were still missing all the adults including Shawn Katy mom and dad auggie was severely upset I had to keep it together hey auggie will see them one day I promise oaky they're probably somewhere else with all the other adults it was just Lucas me Vanessa smackle farkle Zay maya Josh yogi and Darby all the others took off we all sat on the ground wondering what we would do I wasn't even sure we camped out for the night we were all tired