7: Lodestones

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Just as I returned to Nomusa from my last-minute visit, I received the signal.

I froze mid-step as I felt it, hoping it had been my imagination. But there it came again: a twitch of the lodestone in my pocket. A year before, Xaron had managed to bond a pair of iron ore pieces with his magic. Ever since, we'd used them to send a signal if one of us needed aid. I had only needed to do so once, and then only to extricate myself from an awkward situation with a jeweler we were investigating happening upon me eavesdropping. Nothing like the life-and-death situation he faced now.

Heart hammering in my ears, I took the last few steps to Nomusa and said in a rush, "He gave the signal. I have to go in." Then I whirled by her, setting off for the front gate of Feiyan's estate.

"What are you going to do?" my companion called quietly after me. I didn't turn to respond, but quickened my pace. We had no time to waste.

The guards at the gate gave me a strange look as I gave my fake name, Jaxale, and the title of acolyte, but they admitted me into the courtyard, and one went to fetch their mistress. I wasn't surprised they so readily accepted my disguise. After all, my errand had been to retrieve the gray robes and the eleven-pointed star pendant that Eidolan acolytes wore. I looked the part; now I just had to play it.

It was all I could do not to shuffle my feet as the door guard stared steadily at me, chewing over and over what looked to be mushed brown leaves. After avoiding his gaze for a while, I stared back at him until he grew bored and looked down the street.

The gate guard came back alone. "The mistress is busy. You can leave a message if you want."

I sweated a little more wondering what that meant. "Thank you for trying," I said, bowing politely, meek and sweet as a kind-hearted acolyte. I hoped it would be a jarring enough contrast with my next words. "Please tell her that my master bids that she visit him soon. He has been faithful to his word and spoken of what happened to no one, nor of her part in it." I bowed again. "We will continue to practice discretion, despite all who inquire into it."

The guard blinked. "I'll tell her that." He began to close the door then hesitated. "Hold on. Just wait here a minute."

I nodded and smiled graciously as the man closed the door. If he knew anything of what she was up to lately, I didn't doubt that he dashed to give Feiyan word of what I'd said. The door guard stared at me again with renewed interest.

In half the time as the first wait, the door opened again, this time revealing a woman I immediately recognized from sketches on the announcements of the elections. It helped that Feiyan was Qao Fu, rare enough among Oedijan officials. She was young still, little more than a decade older than me, and had acquired a measure of the healthy weight that often came with wealth. Her robes looked expensive, and though she wore gold and silver, they lacked for jewels. Her eyes were what held me, though: cold, curious, and calculating beyond even what I'd expected from her reputation.

"Ah, an Eidolan acolyte," she said with a thin smile. "I am always pleased to host one of the faith."

Her calm reaction put me off-balance, no doubt as it was intended to do. I tried to recover my wits, giving myself time to compose myself by bowing low. "Mistress, I am sorry to disturb you so late—"

"Indeed, it is quite late," Feiyan interrupted in a pleasant tone. "Yet when you say such interesting things, I cannot help but make time for you. So tell me, Acolyte Jaxale. What did you mean by your words?"

As the full realization of how much power Feiyan commanded here, with three of her guards in close reach and the late night shielding us from many prying eyes, I did not have to try for my voice to quiver with fear. "Please, Mistress Feiyan," I said, my voice high with distress. "Do not be angry with me. I was only sent to tell you we keep faith after..." I trailed off.

Secret Seller: Prequel to The Famine Cycle, an epic fantasy thief sagaWhere stories live. Discover now