9: A Knock on the Door

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Our business with the Guildmasters concluded, Talan blindfolded us again and led us above ground. As soon as we emerged into the open air, I breathed it in hungrily. I'd never join the Underguild if only because they spent too much time in stale tunnels.

After the Guilder removed our blinds, I touched his arm lightly. "Thank you. None of this could be happening had you not taken a wager on us."

Talan smiled ruefully. "This? It is so assured it is hardly a bet. I'd gamble the shirt off my back for less."

Nomusa stood at my shoulder. "Time to go. We'd best try and get some sleep with the little night left to us."

I nodded and looked at Xaron. He was strangely withdrawn, not even casting spiteful glances at Talan like he had the whole time we'd been with him. Kalindi's accusations must have really shaken him. I slid an arm around his waist, and he startled, so I kept the hug brief. "Let's go," I said. "I think we all need sleep."

Talan gave a sweeping bow. "Until tomorrow then, hanims." The Guilder passed us and turned the corner. Before he was out of sight, he gave me one lingering look, then he was gone. As we set off on our own walk back to Canopy, I tried not to think about it. I had plenty of distractions already — my stomach was rumbling, having missed dinner from all our running about, and I was dragging with exhaustion. Good thing the walk was short.

As we neared our tower, though, I grew more alert, and felt Nomusa and Xaron tense as well. By silent agreement, we went slowly up the stairs of the tower, glancing in at every circle to ensure there weren't hidden assassins waiting for us. Finally, we reached our door, which looked thankfully undisturbed. Nomusa set to unlocking it while Xaron and I watched down the stairs, expecting at any moment to see the shadows of approaching enemies appear on the walls.

Nomusa opened the door, and we quickly stepped inside, locking it behind. A collective sigh of relief rose from all three of us. Xaron slid down the door to sit, looking more exhausted than I'd seen him. He must have channeled much during his house-break.

"You should get some rest," I told him. "We'll need you sharp tomorrow."

Xaron's eyes flickered up. "I think he knows."

I shared a look with Nomusa. "Who?" I asked, though I thought I knew.

His expression twisted into a sneer. "Talan Wraithsbane."

His contempt for the Guilder came from fear now, I could see. Crouching next to him, I said softly, "Xaron, what happened to Graz and your friends isn't going to happen to you. Talan didn't turn you in. Even if he does know, I don't think he ever will."

Nomusa crouched on his other side, gently rubbing his back. "We'll keep a close eye on him. If we see any signs that he'll betray us—" Her jaw flexed. "We'll see that he won't."

Xaron straightened up, then slowly rose to his feet. His cheeks were flushed. "I appreciate you two trying to look after me," he said softly. "But you don't know what it's like. Knowing that you could be hunted at any moment, at this very moment. Knowing that one little slip up could give someone the power of life or death over you." He shook his head. "I need to sleep. I'll see you in the morning."

He went into his room, not even lingering for dinner. It was so unlike him to forgo any meal that I couldn't help but feel worried for him. Nomusa and I looked at each other, but we said nothing. He was right; we didn't know what his life was like. We weren't hunted like he was.

But I knew one thing. The dark depths of the 'Thae would swallow us before I let Talan Wraithsbane harm him.

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