Cafe Sarang

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No One's POV

You walked through the doors of the cafe and went to the front counter to order your usual of a chocolate croissant and cafe mocha. You took a seat near the window and felt that someone was looking at you, so you looked around until you pinpointed a boy resting on the table while gazing at you (Look at the picture above). 

You looked behind you to see if you mistook where was looking then turned red as you realized that you were the only one in that area of the cafe. 

The way his gaze seemed to penetrate your soul caused your heart to start pounding against your chest like an animal trying to break free of its bonds. 

You both stared at each other for what seemed like forever, until you heard your name called for your completed order. 

You reluctantly broke eye contact with the boy and walked up to get your order. You turned slightly and realized that his table was right next to where the order pickup area was and your staring contest resumed. He motioned for you to sit down and you surprisingly complied without hesitation despite your parents warnings screaming at you in your mind. 

"Hi. My name's Jungkook. What's yours?" 

Your heart skipped several beats as his angelic voice made its way to your ears. You open your mouth to speak, but only an inaudible whisper comes out causing you to flush a deep red and him to laugh adorably. 

"How cute!" 

You try to smile, but the corner of your mouth twitches, "My name is Y/N. It's nice to meet you Jungkook!" 

He smiled and tilted his head cutely, "Wanna hang out today? I have literally nothing to do and I am bored out of my mind. Please?" He pleaded with irresistible puppy dog eyes.

 "Sure!" You reply happily at the thought of staying with him longer. 

He seemed just as happy as you and if not, he was happier due to the excited wriggle his body did as he talked to you more. 

You pulled out your phone, "Here. Let's exchange phone numbers!" 

He smiled and nodded as he took out his phone and held it out with a 'New Contact Page' open and ready for you. 

You put in your number, put in your name and gave it back to him, "There! Now we can talk to each other even after today!"

 He nodded and grinned happily, "Let's go to the park! It's just outside."

 I agreed and we walked out after cleaning up our stuff and sat down at a bench under a tree. He inched closer little by little until he was right beside you and his hand inched towards yours slowly. You noticed his actions immediately, but pretended not to. I'll just let him... I like him too... He put one finger over one of yours and held your hand gently. You smiled and scooted closer to him and leaned your head on his shoulder. He leaned down and whispered, 

"I think I've fallen in love with you..." 

You look up at him and smiled broadly, "I think I have too...Jungkookie..." 

He smiled and kissed your forehead. 

Everything fades to black as you fall asleep against him.  

Your POV

I woke up to find Jungkook staring off into nowhere thinking deeply about something. 

It was a while before he noticed that you were awake and smiled down at you lovingly

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It was a while before he noticed that you were awake and smiled down at you lovingly.

 "Hi. Did you sleep well?" 

I nodded and snuggled up to him more causing him to chuckle lightly, "Cute."

 I blushed, "If you say so." 

He laughed and helped me up as we started to get ready to go home. It was nigh time already and I had no intention to stay out past 8pm, so he offered to drive me home. Little did I know that he meant to his house and not mine! 

I was so surprised when he pulled into a big gate and opened my door for me, "We have arrived, Princess." 

I giggled, "Why thank you, Prince Jungkook."

 He laughed and held my hand as we walked inside of his house, "You're so cute." 

I titled my head to the side while smiling cutely, "Hm?" 

He blushed and cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. I put my arms around him and kissed him back.

 He pulled away, "I love you...Y/N..."

 I smiled and pulled back and went to go sit on his couch. I turned the TV on just as he sat down and settled into the extremely fluffy couch. 

He laughed when he looked at me, "The couch is eating you." 

I nodded, "I'm completely fine with that. I like it when I'm crowded by fluffiness." 

He smiled and watched me slowly sink farther and farther into the cushion. 

I blushed, "Okay...I wanna get out now..." 

He laughed and helped me out, "I told you."

 I titled my head, "Huh? You never told me anything."

He smiled, "I've told you many times already."

 I tilted my head, "What?" 

He leaned forward and whispered, "I love you, Y/N." 

He kissed me for a long time and I melted against him while wrapping my arms around him gently and pulling him closer. 

I don't want this to end... I want to stay with him for as long as I can...

Hi Readers!

Please Comment if you want me to continue the story. I'm having second thoughts about this one, though it's my very first one haha! Anyways. Please comment for more! I Purple You!

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