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I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes through the see through curtains in the room and tried to sit up but failed. I looked down and saw an arm wrapped tightly around my waist preventing me from sitting up in the bed. 

Wait... Bed...?

I looked at Jungkook laying down next to me in the bed. Without a shirt on. In his boxers. Awake and staring at me. 

I gasped, "Uh...Jungkook?"

He smiled and pulled me closer while kissing my cheek, "Yes, My Love?"

I gulped and he sensed something was wrong, "Did....something happen last night?"

He stared at me, "Like what?" 

I looked down, "Like... You know..." I fiddled with my finger close to my chest and noticed that he had turned a deep shade of red. 

"Oh! No! Nothing like that happened last night... I... I would've asked you first..." 

I smiled and poked his nose, "Okay. Good boy."

He smiled back and winked, "Thank you, Mistress." 

I laughed, "Oh my gosh. Weirdo!"

He pouted, "What? You can do that stuff, but I can't? Unfair!"

I nodded, "Mhm. I have certain rights that you don't."

He playfully glared at me, "Whatever..." He turned around in bed and let go of me. 

I did't know that he was joking, so I leaned forward and looked over his back, "Hey! I was kidding! I'm sorry!"

He turned and pinned me down to the bed, "I was too."

I stared at him and he blushed when he realized what he was doing and got off of the bed, "Sorry..."

I sat up and got out of bed as well while putting my arms around him from behind him, "It's fine. I'm not mad."

He put his hand on mine and turned me around while pulling me closer to his chest and kissed me. He pulled away and smiled while resting his forehead against mine and whispered,

"I love you..." 

I smiled and cupped his face in my hands, "I love you too, Jungkook. I always will." 

"Don't leave me...I'll"

I looked up, "Jungkook? What's wrong? Ju...?!" I suddenly couldn't see anything or say anything.

"JUNGKOOK!" I sat up in my bed screaming. I looked around and everything came back to me. I felt the tears running down my face as I heard the footsteps that would determine my fate. 

"SHUT UP!" The door slammed open and I screamed as I covered myself with the ragged blanket. 

"I'm sorry..." I whispered.

I felt a harsh hand grab me and throw me to the ground, "WHO SAID YOU COULD SPEAK?! HUH?!" 

The blanket was ripped off of me and he grabbed my hair and pulled me up to his face, "Who's this Jungkook anyways? You're boyfriend?" He snorted. 

I stayed silent and made no move for the fear of him hurting me again. 

He threw me against the wall without letting go of my hair and pulled me to him again, "ANSWER ME!" 

I whimpered, "Yes... A while ago...Before..."

He smiled evilly, "Before I got you?"

I nodded and he laughed as he dropped me to the floor, "Like you'll ever see him again. Keep dreaming while you can. Get up. We're going outside." 

I nodded and flinched when he closed the door. 

How could I forget...? 


I walked with Jungkook while holding his hand. He went into the cafe nearby and told me to wait outside while he got the order since it was busy and he knew I didn't like tight spaces. I sat on the bench outside and saw a car pull up. A man came out in a mask and looked as if he was going into the cafe but he turned and grabbed my wrist. He started dragging me to his car. 

"JUNGKOOK!!! HELP ME-AHH!!!" He threw me into the car and tied me up quickly and started to drive off just as Jungkook emerged from the cafe and started running after the car.



That's how I ended up in this prison... HIS slave... It's been five years since I've seen him... I miss him so much... 

I started to put on the few clothes he'd given me. I walked out of the room after fixing my hair and went to him by the door, "I'm ready..." 

He smiled and grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer, "You better behave. Understand?"

I nodded quickly and walked out after him and got into the car. He drove to the mall and didn't even open my door for me. I walked out of the car and caught up with him inside of the mall. We walked to a cafe inside it and I immediately had flashbacks of the day my life was ruined. I glared at him when he wasn't looking and smiled when he turned his head. He kicked me harshly under the table and growled while smiling, "Why are you smiling, Baby?" I shook my head, "Nothing. I'm just happy to be with you." I said with no emotion whatsoever. I heard an all too familiar voice outside and looked to see a familiar boy standing with a group of people holding a picture of a girl. I looked closely at the picture and saw that it was me in the picture. I looked up at the boy and gasped. 

No way... It...It can't be... 

It was Jungkook. Standing there pleading desperately to people asking if they'd seen me. 

I felt tears run down my face and didn't notice the harsh kick my captor dealt to my leg. 

"Hey! What are you staring at?" He hissed. 

I stood up and ran out of the cafe and screamed, "JUNGKOOK!!!" 

I ran and hugged him tightly while crying into his chest. He tensed and dropped the picture.

"...Y/N...?" He whispered as he slowly put his arms around me and hugged me tightly. 

"I missed you so much, Y/N..." He pulled away and kissed me for a long time. 

I tensed when I heard my captor yell, "Yah! Y/N! What the hell are you doing?!" He came and harshly pulled me away. He pulled me into a hug, but no before I shot Jungkook a look of utter desperation. 

He got the message and yelled as he punched my captor, "LET HER GO!!!"

He fell to the floor as Jungkook grabbed my hand and pulled me to his car. We sped out of the parking lot and I opened the window and ripped off the necklace around my neck. 

"What are you doing?"

I threw it outside and watched as it shattered, "It's a tracker."

He stared at me and we pulled into his driveway. He carried me into the house and sat me on the counter while hugging me tightly. I cupped his face in my hands and whispered, "I'm sorry I took so long to find you... He wouldn't let me out of the house for the last 5 years..." 

"He never let you out?! Not even once?!" 

I shook my head, "No... He was worried about this exact thing. He thought you'd find me and take me away, but that's what I've been wishing for this whole time..." I kissed him and he pulled me closer to deepen the kiss. 

Later he laid me on the bed and we cuddled for the rest of the day. I curled up against his chest and closed my eyes finally able to relax and the endless pain to stop. I could finally be happy again. 


I hope you like this one! It was a short little plot twist with a HUGE effect on the rest of the storyline. Remember to comment and vote!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2018 ⏰

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