How does it feel

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Its a Saturday morning and I wake up from a dream about me eating cake. Amazing dream. Though all i can think about is Miku and Kaito and how does it feel to be in a couple like that. I mean Ive never been in a relationship and i dont know if i have ever been in love...

I get a call from miku, I look at my phone and answer it.


"rin-chan um can you come over my house i need some help" mikus voice seemed to hesitate after every word she said as if shed regret it.

"yeah ..of course, Let me just get up from bed" I replied

"okay" she replied with a shaky voice.

I got up and went in the bathroom to take a bath. I remove my clothes, sit and wash my body. *I wonder what she needs help with.... Is it serious.... Sigh maybe not...* I walk in the bath tub. *if miku likes kaito... maybe thats the case... what if he needs love advise... Shes lucky she finally fell for someone though. I mean cant i fall in love too...well at least she is happy then it should be fine...right?*

after I git dressed and walked to miku house and knock her door. Someone opens it and it is Mikuo her brother.

Mikuo smiled and said "ah, hello Rin, its been a while hasn't it?

His hair was a beautiful blue color and his eyes where a amazing color to mach his attitude and hair, He was really tall and handsome it makes me blush.

I looked at him and replied with a shy smile "M...Mikuo...y..yes it has is miku home?"

"Ah, yes shes here. Please come in, come in" he open the door wide open so I can step in.

"thank you" I replied as I walked in

I walked to mikus room and see her room filled with her clothes all over the place and while she is In her walk in closet searching and searching.

"Miku... whats going on?" As i walked deeper and deeper inside I picked up the clothes on the floor.

Miku turns around and says in upset fAce "I need help"

"With what?" I said curiously

"well.... I don't know what to wear...." She stood up and look down with a low voice. She looked At me blushing and said with a confident voice "I want to look Kawaii!"

I look at her and slightly laugh "but miku, your already cute"

Miku ran to me and said in a low voice "thanks but i want to look really cute today"

*is she planning to get to someone or just for fun...she looks serious...looks like i need to help her* I sighed and smiled at her then said "Okay, I will help"

Miku jumped for joy and sAid thank you

I looked at the clothes I picked up on the way inside her room and find a cute white tank top and a green sweater and hand it to her. Then I find a skirt laying on top of a pile of Tops and skirts on top of her bed. The skirt was black and simple but thought it would be cute with the colors so i gave it to her.I then find her white long stocking and cute green panties just to tease her.

"here you go" I looked at her and thought that something might be missing...but what...

"Thank you so much Rin, I will go change right now" She smiled and already undresses.

"m..miku!" I turn around and in shock

"Rin, were both girls and friends... we've done this before beside your helping me remember" She giggled

"your right... um so what do u think?" I turn around and look at her.

"So cute" she sounded so happy. She then put on her white shoes. While she was doing that I help her put her hair in pig tails and brushed it.

"but something is missing"I said trying to figure out

miku looks at the mirror and says in a loud voice "I know!" she ran to a box and finds a hair Barrett of a cute flower and puts it on. "Hows this?"

"so cute, Its perfect" I replied with a smile.

"Thank you so much, I owe u big time" She hugged me and smile bigger.

After that I asked her "What really is this for?"

she turn around and blush and said "someone I like..."

"whos the lucky guy?" I poked her

she walked to her window and said "I... um...Rin I made a wish so if i say anything...". I interrupted her by accident and said "Its okay, you don't have to tell me your wish, i understand"

" sorry" She opened her window and let her hair flow through the wind.

*one lucky guy... take care miku. Don't et love hurt you...*
i look at the clock "Hey... what time do u have to be their?"

miku looked at the clock "o..oh no! i need to go, thank you rin so much"
She ran out her room and left the house.

I walked down stairs and see Mikuo "she looks happy..."
Mikuo nods and smiles.
"Please keep an eye on her.. I am worried something will happen" Said Mikuo.

I nod and about to walk out the house until I hear Mikuo ask if i would like some cake and tea. I smiled and noded. "sure"

I went to the table and sat down.
Mikuo serves me a slice of cake and a cup of tea. The cake looked home made.. It was Strawberry short cake with a really big Strawberry on top. So delicious.

"wow! did you make this?" I looked at the cake amazed
"Yes of course" Mikuo replied and sat down in front of me.

After every slice, Mikuo brought more different kinds of cakes and teas. I fell in love with him and had a conversation about some fun memories.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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