Getting married young is OKAY.
Getting pregnant young is OKAY.
Not going to college right after high school is OKAY.
Not going to college at all is OKAY.
Being a single parent is OKAY.What isn't okay is judging others because their life isn't the way you chose to live yours.
Wir wissen nicht, was andere Menschen denken und fühlen.
Wir interpretieren ihr Verhalten, indem wir für Sie denken und uns vorstellen, was sie über uns denken könnten.
Und dann verletzten wir uns selbst mit unseren eigenen Gedanken.♤
Cutting is underrated, overlooked and mocked. What people need to learn is that selfharm is a problem that needs to be solved, not a fashion statement, phase or joke of any kind.
Ich wollte drüber reden...
Ìch wollte es herraus schreien.
Ich wollte es mitteilen.
Aber Alles was meine Lippen verließ war ein "Mir geht's gut."♤
Nobody goes through more shit in life than a person with a good heart.
Understand Depression. It's never to late to help people.
RandomBe a hero and save a life. You don't know how? Read the book to find out how you truly can save someone's life or just make the day a bit better.